



  School Class Name Mark



  1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )

  4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )


  ( )1. A. Speaking. B. Is that you ? C. Jane is saying.

  ( )2. A. It’s a picture. B. There are two. C. I like it very much.

  ( )3. A. She is Joan. B. She is a teacher. C. He is a worker.

  ( )4. A. It’s a new pen. B. Yes, it is. C. The short one.

  ( )5. A. Yes, I did. B. All right. C. Yes, I do.

  ( )6. A. Yes, you do. B. Yes, please. C. May.

  ( )7. A. Yes, I’m happy. B. Happy birthday. C. Thank you.

  ( )8. A. No, I won’t. B. This Sunday. C. Last Satuday.


  1. The children are in the garden.

  2. The people in the on the wall are Liu Hong’s uncle and .

  3. Deng Xiaoping in .

  4. Ben often his homework for an after dinner.

  5. The city of Japan is .


  ( ) 1.A. She’s going to buy a Christmas tree.

  B. She’s going to write Christmas cards.

  C. She’s going to e-mail her friends.

  ( ) 2. A. She feels happy. B. She feels excited. C. She feels bored.

  ( ) 3. A. He visited the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.

  B. He Visited the Chinese History Museum.

  C. He saw a play at the Capital Theatre.

  ( ) 4. A. For five years. B. For five months. C. For fifty years.

  ( ) 5. A. No, it was near her school.

  B. Yes, it was.

  C. No, it was close to her school.


  ( ) 1. The rich man had a forest.

  ( ) 2. The rich man thought all the things in the forest were his.

  ( ) 3. The rich man caught a hare one day.

  ( ) 4. The poor man killed a tiger.



  A. bananaB. motherC. peachD. uncleE. dryF. goatG. writer

  H. farmerI. giraffeJ. rainK. sheepL. pearM. grapeN. cousin

  O. elephantP. daughterQ. warmR. coldS. cookT. worker







  1. Which is the capital city, New York or Washington D.C. ?

  2. Do you often borrow books from the library?

  3. How many hours are there in a day?

  4. Can you tell an English story for your friend?

  5. Who is your hero?

  6. What time do you usually go to bed ?


  ( ) 1. There is old tree by the river . A. a B . an C. some

  ( ) 2. will you go on your holiday ? Guilin . A. What B. Where C. How

  ( ) 3. Who’s that woman white ? A. at B. in C. on

  ( ) 4. There some coffee in the cup . A. is B. are C. am

  ( ) 5. These are books . are on the floor .

  A. I , you B. my , Yours C.mine , Your

  ( ) 6. Have you got dolls ? Yes , I have . A. some B. a C. any

  ( ) 7. The second day in a week is . A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Sunday

  ( ) 8. The baby many toy cars . A. is B. has C. have

  ( ) 9. My mother and I the Guangzhou Zoo tomorrow .

  A.are going to visit B. is going to visit C. visit

  ( ) 10. Mrs Smith is a Canadian . She speaks .

  A. French B. English C. both English and French

  ( ) 11. My cousin plays the piano every day .

  A. half an hour B. half a hour C. a half hour

  ( ) 12. your father fishing ?

  A. Is, likes B. Does ,like C. Do , likes

  ( ) 13. My bedroom is than hers . A. good B. better C. best

  ( ) 14. I you this morning , But you at home .

  A. call, aren’t B. called ,wasn’t C. called , weren’t

  ( ) 15. The Olympic Games will be held in .

  A. 2008 B. 2010 C. 2007


  (1) B: Good afternoon! What can I do you?

  A: you have any new story books? I’d like to borrow some.

  B: Yes. on the shelf.

  A: How can I keep it?.

  B: Two weeks.

  A: Can I keep it a little longer ?

  B: Yes. But you come and renew it.

  (2) A : Hello . I speak to Ben ?

  B : . Who’s that, please ?

  A : Mike here . I called you this morning, but you at home.

  B: I shoping with my mother .


  1. Jiaming is going to Beijing next week. (改为否定句)

  Jiaming to Beijing next week.

  2. Mr Black worked at a toy factory in 2003. (改为一般问句)

  Mr Black at a toy factory in 2003?

  3. My grandfather lives in Tianhe . (对划部分提问)

  does your grandfather in ?

  4. I’m ten . My cousin is twelve. (改为同义句)

  My cousin is I .


  1. Mao Zedong was one of the greatest of .

  2. The two are and dancing in the park.

  3. The old man is in the .

  4. The child early this morning.

  5. The child often some in the evening.

  6. The ball on the right is than the one on the .


  (A) 阅读短文,判断句子是否正确,对的'写“T”,否则写“F”。(4%)

  Christmas is a very important and popular festival in many western countries . From December 20 to December 30

  last year I was in Britain. I had my holiday with my friends in London . Before Christmas we could hear

  Christmas music here and there , and the shops, the department stores and the supermarkets were crowded and

  busy . People did their Christmas shopping . Many families had their Christmas trees . My friend Mr White

  bought a big Christmas tree too . The White’s daughters were busy preparing the presents .

  The White usually get together on Christmas Day . At Christmas Mr White’s presents went to his home to have a

  big dinner . During Christmas their children got a lot of presents . They all had a good time .

  ( ) 1. Christmas is an important festival in China .

  ( ) 2. Christmas was coming and the shops and department stores were quiet .

  ( ) 3. People were busy shopping when Christmas was coming .

  ( ) 4. Mr White and his family had a small Christmas tree .


  Billy was a rabbit. One day his friend gave him some seeds of carrots .His friend told him to put the seeds in

  the garden and put some earth on the seeds. Billy did so a few days later the shoots appeared . Billy was very

  happy. A big dog visited Billy’s garden and told him , “you’ll have a lot of carrots in two months .” Billy

  was happy to hear to that . Then he wrote letters to his parents , brothers and sisters. He asked them to visit

  his garden and eat carrots .Two months later Billy found there were only leaves , he couldn’t see any carrots

  . He was worried . “My parents ,brothers and sisters will come . What should I do ?” Suddenly he had an idea

  . He went to the market and brought a lot of carrots .He tied them to the leaves .When Billy’s parents ,

  brothers and sisters came to and visited his garden , they all laughed . They dug up a lot of carrots from

  under the ground. “ Oh , I understand ,” said Billy. “Carrots grow under the ground.”

  1. Who did give Billy any carrots seeds? ( )

  A. His friend. B. His parents. C. His brothers.

  2. Where did Billy buy any carrots from? ( )

  A. Shop B. Market C. Farm

  3. Where did they dig up a lot of carrots? ( )

  A. Under the tree. B .In the house. C. Under the ground

  4. Was Billy a clever rabbit? ( )

  A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasn’t. C. Yes , he did.





  A. The girl was surprised when she saw a robot.

  B. What is the boy doing ? He is having breakfast at home.

  C. The man went to the moon by spaceship in 2003. He was our Chinese hero.

  D. Did he visit Guangzhou Zoo yesterday ? No, He visited Guangzhou Picture Show.

  E. This is a book about a farmer and a snake.

  F. The boy is in the library. He is borrowing the book.


  1. Hi, may I speak to Jane?

  2. How do you like the picture?

  3.What’s your sister’s job?

  4. Which is your pen, the long one or the short one ?

  5. Do you often clean your bedroom ?

  6. May I use your bike ?

  7. Happy birthday !

  8. When will you leave for Hongkong ?


  1.The children are planting trees in the garden.

  2.The people in the photo on the wall are Liu Hong’s uncle and aunt . .

  3. Deng Xiaoping died in 1976 .

  4. Ben often does his homework for an hour after dinner.

  5. The capital city of Japan is Tokyo .


  1.. A: Is Christmas coming, Linda?

  B: Yes, it is. Next Friday will be Christmas.

  A: Are you going to buy a Christmas tree?

  B: Yes, I am.

  Question: What is Linda going to do?

  2. A: What are you doing, Aunt Ma?

  B: I’m doing nothing.

  A: Do you feel bored?

  B: I think so.

  Question: What does Aunt Ma feel?

  3. A: What did you visit in Beijing, Mike?

  B: I visited the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.

  A: What else did you visit?

  B: I saw a play at the Capital Theatre.

  Question: Which of these didn’t Mike do in Beijing?

  4. A: Was your family poor before 1949, Mr King?

  B: Yes, it was. So I left school and worked at a shop.

  A: How long did you work at the shop?

  B: For 5 years.

  Question: How long did Mr King work at the shop?

  5. A: Did you live in Haizhu District before, Li Qing?

  B: Yes, I did.

  A: Was your school far away from your home?

  B: Yes, it was.

  Question: Was Li Qing’s school far away from her home when she lived in Haizhu District?

  Question: Was Deng Xiaoping a great painter?


  Long, long ago,there lived a poor farmer and a rich man near the forest. The farmer was very kind. But the

  rich man was cruel. One day, when the farmer was walking in the forest, he saw a hare. Just at that time the

  rich man came . He shouted to the farmer, “This is my forest. All animals and plants in the forest are mine.

  Give me the hare. If you kill any animals again, I’ll kill you.” Then he took the hare away.

  A few days later, the farmer was in the forest again. Suddenly he found a tiger. It was running to him.

  And he found the rich man was between him and the tiger. “Help, help!” shouted the rich man. “Kill the

  tiger!” “Aha, it’s yours!” answered the farmer. “Sorry, I can’t kill the tiger. If I do, you will kill

  me. Didn’t you say that?” With these words the farmer went away.









