

  PART A 朗读儿歌Read A loud(0.5分钟朗读流畅,语音语调正确,读错一个以上算不通过)

  One, two, three, four, five

  One, two, three, four, five,

  Once I caught a fish alive,

  Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

  Then I let it go again.

  Why did you let it go?

  Because it bit my finger so.

  Which finger did it bite.

  This little finger on my right.

  PART B 看图说词Look at the Picture and Say the Words(1分钟9张单词卡须过7)

  1孔雀的图片 peacock

  2侄子的图片 nephew

  3毯子的图片 blanket

  4梳子的图片 comb

  5浴缸的图片 bathtub

  6虾的图片 shrimp

  7信封的图片 envelope

  8大楼的图片 building

  9信用卡的图片 creditcard

  PART C 听说相反Listen and Say the Opposite(1分钟,5句话三句以上即通过,时间间隔较短)

  1He asked a question. He answered a question.

  2What a clean bedroom it is! What a dirty bedroom it is!

  3Mary got on a train. Mary got off a train.

  4He did well in the exam. He did badly in the exam.

  5Open your English text books, please. Close your English text books, please.

  PART D 听听做做DoWhatYouHear(1分钟,6个指令至少过4)




  PARTE 快听快答Listen and Respond Quickly(1分钟7个问题答对5个过,题与题间时间间隔短)

  1 In which month is Children's Day? 儿童节在哪一个月里?

  In June.

  2 What will a cater pillar change into? 毛毛虫会变成什么?

  A butterfly.

  3 When do you have breakfast? 你什么时候吃早餐?

  In the morning.

  4 Which can we wear in winter, boots or sandals? 我们能在冬天里穿哪个,靴子还是凉鞋?


  5 How many toilets are there in you rhouse? 你的房子里有多少个厕所?


  6 Who likes to play cards in your family? 你的家里谁喜欢打牌?


  7 What do you use to brush your teeth? 你用什么来刷你的牙齿?

  Toothbrush. / Tooth-paste.

  PARTF 看图回答问题AnswerQuestionsaccordingtothePicture(5个问题至少答对3个过)
