Unit 1 I went there last ear的说课稿



  我说课的内容是新标准英语第六册中Mdule6 Unit1,我的说课将从以下几个方面进行:


  本模块主要围绕I went there last ear.的语言功能运用动词的过去式谈论旅游见闻,并对旅游的过程进行简单的描述。它的的语言任务是When did u g t….?Did u g with ….?


  本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,他们对过去式的学习已有了一定的基础,能够正确的运用“When did u g t….?Did u g with ….?”等句型来进行交流。因此在本课的教学中,教师应在此基础上创设情境,进一步引导学生巩固和拓展对过去式的表达及运用。


  1、认知目标:1)能听懂、会说并认读单词pht、sta、wee、parent;2)能听懂会说认读下列句子:When did u g t….?We went there ….Did u g with…?es,I did.N ,I didn’t.

  2、能力目标:在情境中运用When did u g t….?We went there ….Did u g with…?es,I did.N ,I didn’t来谈论旅游经历。





  2、认读和运用句子:When did u g t….?We went there last ear. Did u g with ther and father? es,I did.N ,I didn’t.








  Mdule 6 Unit 1 I went there last ear.教学设计

  Step1 :Waring up

  T:what d u lie….?D u lie…..?

  (reading、watchingTV、plaing cputer gae引导学生复习前面所学的动作)

  Ss:es,I d.

  N,I dn’t.

  T:I lie travelling.(板书课题Travel)学生朗读三遍

  T:At first ,let us sing a sng .-----Where did u g ?


  热身环节第一是师生交流,用学过的句型师生问答what d u lie….?D u lie…..?( 引导学生复习前面所学的动作)reading、watchingTV、plaing cputer gae。由这一句型引出本课的课题Travel。第二步是设计让学生sing a sng .-----Where did u g ?这首歌曲既能活跃课堂气氛又是本课谈论的重点。

  Step 2:New lessn

  T: wh can tell e, where did u g last ear? (出示)

  Ss:I went t ……

  T: When did u g?

  Ss:I went there…..

  T: Did u g with ur ther?(ther/sister)板书句型

  Ss:es,I did.(N ,I didn’t)

  T: Did u tae se phts?

  学习这个单词pht,开会车拼读,表扬学生(gd /wnderful/well dne/s clever)

  T:L!There are se phts f Xiniang(出示两张新疆的图片)

  I went there last ear.(板书)

  Wh can tell e ,where is Xiniang ?(出示中国地图)


  T: u are s clever.出示句子

  It’s in the west f China. Wh can read it?找几个同学练习读,wnderful gd great表扬学生

  Xiniang is ver beautiful.S:出示

  Istaed with grandther fr a wee in ul.学习单词staed wee开火车读

  依次表扬wnderful gd great

  Wh can read it?

  T:I lie travelling ver uch.s I went t anther place.L and guess!What is the place?(出示海南的景色)


  T: wnderfu!Where is it?(出示中国地图海南在哪里)

  Ss:It is in the suth f China .出示

  T:u are s clever.

  HaiNan is beautiful t,s I staed there and visited uncle 学习单词uncle

  Wh can read it?

  第二步课文教学环节 教师用where did u g last ear? When did u g? Did u g with ur ther?(ther/sister) Did u tae se phts?用这几个问题


  然后教师谈论自己的旅行,教师出示自己去新疆旅行的图片sa :I went there last ear.呈现新句型,接着出示中国地图让学生观察新疆在我国的位置,师问Wh can tell e ,where is Xiniang ?引导学生回答It’s in the west f China.用各种方式读句子,练读句子。师生继续交流老师去过的地方,教师出示海南图片让学生猜What is the place? Where is it?依次引出新的句型It is in the suth f China . HaiNan is beautiful t,s I staed there and visited uncle 学习单词uncle


  Step 3:practice

  1、T:There are s an beautiful cities in China L at this ne.what is the cit?


  T:Great! L at this ap,and then fill in the blans.

  1、T: All f u have a gd b. Shw ur phts please.

  Wh want t ce here and shw the phts?



  Where did u g ?

  When did u g ?

  Where is it?

  Did u g with ur….?

  在操练环节我设计了两个活动:第一个活动是出示上海、北京的图片及地图让学生填空。设计之一活动我想学生学习剩余的两个方位怎么表达,学习句子It is in the east /west f China.


  Where did u g ?

  When did u g ?

  Where is it?

  Did u g with ur….?采用师生问答,生生问答的方式操练句型,


  Step 4、Listen

  1、listen and answer.

  What has Lingling gt?

  2、Listen pint and repeat,then d exercises.


  3、Read the text with ur parter,then act it ut.


  在听音环节:第一遍带着问题听音listen and answer.What has Lingling gt?第二遍听音后做练习题,第三遍是小组合作分角色朗读课文。

  Step 5、Write

  T :ur English is ver well.And I nw that u lie travelling.What

  is ur favrie cit?Nw tae ur pens and write abut ur trip .then I will as se f u t read. 出示材料

  五年级的学生不能光停留在口头上,也要落实在笔头上,在本环节设计了写的要求,教师提供材料让学生写自己的旅行。然后找学生说说。What is ur favrie cit?Nw tae ur pens and write abut ur trip .then I will as se f u t read.

  Step 6、Hewr

  1、Listen and read the text after the tape.

  2、As ur friends abut their trip.

【 Unit 1 I went there last ear的说课稿】相关文章:

1.《I went there last year》教学反思

2.Unit 4 Last weekend说课稿范文

3.I went to Tian Anmen square英语作文

4.Unit1《How can I get there》教学反思

5.4a unit 1 I like dogs 教学反思

6.外研社I went to a library yesterday教学反思

7.有关Unit 1 When Is ur Birthda说课稿

8.《Module 2 Unit 1 they’re monkeys》说课稿

上一篇:冀教版九年级英语课件下一篇:英语课《When’s your birthday 》教学反思