《Happy Birthday1》优秀说课稿


  一、To analyze the book.

  The importance and the effect of the book.

  The main content of this lesson is to grasp the expression of Birthday.The important sentences of this lesson are “This is for you. I like making…. Blow out all the candles,Ken..”The students can grasp and use the sentences frequently.To improve the students’ abilities of listening,speaking,reading,writing and communion.

  二、To approach the book.

  Teaching aims are according to the English teaching argument.To make the students master the English basic knowledges and to improve the students’ ability of using language.To motivate the students’ interests of studing English.

  1. Knowledge aims:

  ⑴. To grasp the important sentences, “ This is for you. I like making…. Blow out all the candles,Ken.”

  ⑵. To grasp the important words “candle(s),blow,robot”

  2. Ability aims:

  To improve the students’ abilities of listening,speaking,reading,writing and communion.

  3. Feeling aims:

  To educate the students’ feeling of regarding each other.

  4. Importance:

  Let the students use the important sentences frequently.

  5. Difficulty:

  The use of the important sentences.

  三、Teaching steps.

  Step I: Sing a song.(Let the students go into the English state)

  Step II: Revision.

  Show the words pictures of lesson 1,then call several students to spell the words.

  Step III: Presentation.


  教师在黑板上用简笔画画出肯的头像,让学生猜这个人物是谁,然后告诉学生今天是肯的生日,师生共唱生日歌,然后出示一张蛋糕卡片,告诉学生“This cake is for ken.”指着蛋糕上的蜡烛教授学生candle(s)并进行个体与整体的练习。

  2.句子Blow out all the candles.

  教师做吹蜡烛动作,教授单词blow,进行单词拼背练习,然后引出句子 Blow out all the candles.

  3.教授句型I like making a robot.

  a.教师出示一个礼品盒(里面装着一个机器人),问学生“What’s this?”学生会回答“It’s a present.”复习了上节课单词“present”。

  b.教师继续问“What’s in it?”然后找几名学生将手伸进礼品盒中摸一摸,猜一猜“It’s a ….”(这一活动可以激发学生兴趣,调动他们的积极性)

  c.学生猜对后,教师将机器人拿出,将机器人身体的各个部位一边组合在一起,一边说“I like making a tobot.”

  d.教师手拿机器人问学生“Do you like making robots?”引导学生问句型“Yes,I like making a robot.”回答。

  e.教师拿出一张纸,将其叠成一顶帽子,戴在头上说“I like making hats.”接着教师提问“What do you like making?”学生回答“I like making ….”使这个句型能得到充分练习。


  4.句型This is for you.

  让学生将自己做好的物品送给自己的好友,操练句型“This is for you.Thank you.You’re wellcome.”


  5. To listen to the tape and answer the question.

  a. What did Jess sand for Ken?

  b. Does Ken like it?

  6. To read the dialogue in pairs.

  7. To recite every paragraph.

  8. Have a match to check the students.

  9. Homework.
