


  I have a smart father. He has short black hair, thick eyebrows, bright eyes, a talkative mouth, tall and thin. Everyone says he is tall.


  My father's hobby is playing sound. Everyone calls him "sound engineer". HUAIJI will ask him to tune in at any party.

  爸爸为了晚会能圆满成功,就提前几天把音响装好,把音响调好,把整个晚会的音乐都录进MD里,他总是废寝忘食地工作,晚上三更半夜时,别人家的灯都熄了,只有爸爸还在电脑房里录歌。 这样一切准备就绪,就不用等到晚会就要开始了才急急忙忙地做,弄得手忙脚乱,他搞的每场晚会都非常顺利。

  In order to make the party a success, Dad installed the sound a few days in advance, tuned the sound, and recorded the music of the whole party in MD. he always worked hard at night. At midnight, other people's lights were off, and only dad recorded songs in the computer room. In this way, everything is ready, so he doesn't have to wait until the party is about to start to do it in a hurry. He's in a hurry. Every party he has is very smooth.


  If dad wants to make the party more atmosphere, he will add a live microphone. Then watching the party on TV is like watching it on the spot. There are whistles and cheers from the audience. Only his party can do this. Other people's party only has songs and music. There is no live atmosphere. My dad is smart!


  I remember that last winter vacation, HUAIJI held a "modern cup top ten young singers competition". My father is the head of the sound system. He prepared all the work before the party. During the party, he had plenty of time to adjust the sound system to the best effect according to the sound lines of each player. Therefore, the sound system of the whole party was very good, which can be compared with the CCTV party! He also put a live microphone in the audience. The live microphone received the cheers from the cheerleaders of all players. The cheers came from the speakers, which made the party very atmosphere. After the party, the party's general director, Secretary Liang, gave a thumbs up praise to his father: "the effect of this party is unprecedented. You are worthy of being the sound engineer of HUAIJI!"


  What a great dad! I'm proud of having a smart Dad!









