八年级下册英语作文 全国爱眼日


八年级下册英语作文 全国爱眼日

  On May 5, 1993, tianjin held promotional activities for the first time. As a result, in 1996, the ministry of health, the ministry of education, the central, China disabled persons' federation and other 12 ministries jointly issued a circular, will be one of the activities held a national holiday, and to determine the annual June 6 for the "national sight day". The national sight day is June 6, 2015.

  World sight day is different in sight day, world sight day is on the second Thursday of every October, belongs to the world festival, on this day, the world over countries and regions will hold a series of large propaganda activities. Purpose is to arouse the world attaches great importance to the blindness and visual impairment and the recovery of the vision damage problem, world sight day is held under the vision 2020 global initiative. All over the world and the prevention of visual impairment or restored vision related partners will celebrate world sight day. This is also the prevention of blindness and vision 2020: the right to sight "main propaganda activities. The latter is created by the who and the international agency for the prevention of blindness, a global action to prevent blindness. World sight day is on October 16, 2014.


  世界爱眼日不同于全国爱眼日,世界爱眼日是每年十月的第二个星期四,是属于世界性的节日,在这天,全球多个指定国家及地区会举办一系列的'大型宣传活动。 目的是唤起全球重视盲症、视力损害以及视力受到损害者的康复问题,世界爱眼日是在“视觉2020全球倡议”下举办的。世界上所有与预防视力损害或者恢复视力有关的合作伙伴都将庆祝世界爱眼日。这也是预防盲症以及“视觉2020:享有看见的权利”的主要宣传活动。后者是由世卫组织和国际防盲机构创立、用以预防盲症的一项全球行动。2014年世界爱眼日是10月16日。

【八年级下册英语作文 全国爱眼日】相关文章:


2.关于5.5全国爱眼日英语作文Sight day


4.全国爱眼日的英语作文National Eye Day





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