


  Many people like to watch the live show nowadays, every night, they will stay at home and watch the competition, the song competition shows such as the Voice of China and Sing My Song are very popular, I like to watch the latter. Sing My Song shows people’s creativity, they need to song their own songs, I appreciate their talent.

  很多人都喜欢看直播秀,每天晚上,人们会呆在家里,观看比赛,歌唱比赛如《中国好声音》和《中国好歌曲》很受欢迎,我喜欢观看后者。《中国好歌曲》展示了人们的创新,他们需要展示自己的歌曲,我很欣赏他们的才华。In our country’s education slogan, the creativity has been put in the first place, the slogan is that the purpose of education is to cultivate a person with the ability of creativity. The reason that I like the show Sing My Song lies in that I see people’s ability of creativity, they can write the songs by themselves, their ability is so amazing. To create is more important than to follow, creation makes us unique, we will be remembered all the time.

  在我们国家的教育口号,创新被放在了首位,口号就是教育的目的是为了培养人们的创新能力。我喜欢《中国好歌曲》的原因在于我看到了人们的创新能力,他们能自己写歌,能力很惊人。创作比跟随前人更加重要,创作让我们变得唯一,我们也将被永久记得。Thinking about the great men, all of them are famous for their inventions, they create the new things and surpass their predecessors, they make the great contribution to the society. Their success proves the importance of creativity.



  When students enter college, it is natural for them to relax, because they have went across the important stage and start to open the new chapter. Most students believe that college life should be full of fun and they don’t need to study hard, so they sleep in the class. While they get the wrong idea.

  当学生进入大学,很自然地,他们会放松,因为他们已经度过了重要阶段,开始了新的篇章。大多数学生认为大学生活应该是充满乐趣的,不需要努力学习,所以他们在课堂上睡觉。然而,他们的想法是错误的。College is the very important stage for students to learn the major knowledge. What they learn will decide what kind of work they will take in the future. If they want to take advantages over other students in the job market, then they must have the skills. This is what they learn in the class, sleepy students will miss have important part of learning knowledge.

  大学是学生学习专业知识非常重要的阶段。他们所学习的将会决定他们将来从事什么样的工作。如果他们想要在就业市场中超过其他学生,那么他们就必须拥有技能。这也是他们在课堂上要学习的,昏昏欲睡的学生会错过学习知识的重要部分。To learn better in the class, college students should take the regular schedule. Most students are addicted to playing computer games and stay up. They always sleep a few hours and then just go to class for the presentation. They don’t care about what the teacher say.

  为了在班上学习得更好,大学生应该有规律地作息。大多数学生沉迷于玩电脑游戏和熬夜。他们总是睡几个小时,然后就去上课。他们不关心老师说什么。It is the terrible situation for college students to use their energy on the activities instead of study. Sleeping in the class has become some students’ choice. They need to balance the activities and study.



  Victoria’s Secret is the world famous women’s underwear brand, it comes from America. In order to popularize this brand, the fashion show named Victoria’s Secret will be played in December every year. Now this fashion show has become part of the American popular culture.

  “维多利亚的秘密”是世界上著名的女性内衣品牌,它来自美国。为了推广这个品牌,名为“维多利亚的秘密”的时装表演将在每年的12月举行。现在这个时装表演已经成为美国流行文化的一部分。When talk about the underwear, most girls will feel shy and try to avoid this topic. But in the western countries, people are much open and can talk about any topic. Like the Vitoria Secret fashion show, the female models are proud to be one of the angels, because it means they have the perfect body shapes. The show presents to the world that women look so beautiful to wear the Victoria’s Secret.

  谈论内衣时,大多数女孩会感到害羞,尽量避免这个话题。但在西方国家,人们更开放,可以谈论任何话题。像维多利亚的秘密时尚秀,女模特很自豪能成为其中一个天使,因为这意味着她们拥有一个完美的体型。这个时装秀向世界展示了女性穿维多利亚的秘密看起来如此美丽。For me, I keep my eyes on this fashion show every year. The models surprise me all the time. They not only have the beautiful faces and perfect body shapes, but also look confident. They are the spotlight on the stage. For this moment, they work so hard to realize their dreams.

  对我来说,我每年都在关注这场时装表演。模特们使我感到惊讶。她们不仅拥有漂亮的脸和完美的体型,而且看上去也很自信。她们在舞台上是众人的焦点。为了这一刻,她们是如此努力工作来实现他们的梦想。As the saying that no pain, no gain. We also need to work hard to realize our goals.











