Red plum blossom英语作文


Red plum blossom英语作文

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  Red plum blossom is the first flower to open in winter and the first one in a year. There are many colors of red plum, light green, dark pink and white The leaves of red plum are pure green, with fine serrations on the edge. The stem of red plum is brown purple, with many stripes on it. The stem of red plum blossom is full of a strong sense of vicissitudes of life. It looks like a long dragon from a distance. The flower in bud is dazzling, like a big and sweet peach. It makes my mouth water. I really want to take a big bite. There are one or two red plum blossoms on each branch. The blooming red plum blossom is very beautiful. There are five petals, which are arranged in layers to form a red plum. When it's open, it's like children's bright smiling faces. The stamen of red plum is yellow, which makes the red plum more beautiful.

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