



英语作文 篇1

  Something about my hometown-Chengdu

  Hello, everyone, today , I’d like to say something about my hometown ,

  Chengdu and I sincerely(真诚的) welcome you all to come here and have a nice time .

  Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan Province,lies in the eastern hinterland(内陆) of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan.Covering a total land area of 12,400 square

  kilometers,Chengdu is divided into nine districts(区), four cities and six counties(县). By the end of 20xx,the population of Chengdu had reached 10.6 million.This is the basic information you can get to know the moment you get to Chengdu .But what interests us most is the climate(气候), the history and also the life of Chengdu

  people .As for the climate , I want to say an idiom(习语) called ShuQuanFeiRi(蜀犬吠日)which means dogs in Chengdu bark(狗叫) at the sun when the sun comes out. This is because the weather here is always cloudy and wet and people as well as animals here seldom see the sun all year. Based on this(基于此) , the skins(皮肤) of girls here are pretty good . So here comes the joke :if you go to Shenzhen, you will find you are short of money ; if you go to Beijing , you will find your Official position is too low;but if you go to Chengdu , you will find you get married too early . All

  these means girls here are very pretty as a result of the climate here.(如果你去深圳,你会发现钱太少,去北京,官太小,来成都,你会觉得结婚太早)

  Secondly ,Chengdu has a long history of more than 3000 years and also is the city whose name hasn’t been changed for a single time in history since it was built as a city .It is said that Kaiming IX,king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th

  century,about 611BC),started to set up the capital in Chengdu. The name of Chengdu came from the story of The West-Zhou dynasty. The story reads “A town was built in a area in the first year and it will become the capital in three years,so the ancestors named the city as Chengdu, which implied their hope for this city to become a capital.西周建都的历史经过,取周王迁岐“一年而所居成聚,二年成邑,三年成都”因此得名成都。

  Later on,Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics, economy and culture in China. As early as in the Han Dynasty

  (206BC-220AD)),Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of being one of the Top Five Capitals.As a capital , What familiarizes us most is the period of Three Kingdom(三国时期)。Now, we can still feel the air and culture of that time at our famous scenic spot ——Wuhou Thatched Cottage.The history of Chengdu is just like the Milky

  Way full of stars which is innumerable.If you want to know more ,come here and have a visit.

  Next , I want to say something about the life of Chengdu .And I think one

  sentence can describe such kind of life. That is , making tea while waiting for the flowers to come out(泡茶等花开)。This shows the life rhythm—slow ,relaxing and optimistic. Here we can see some examples. First , everywhere you go , you can find tea houses ,the number of which must be more than that of any other places . People like to go there , chatting about whatever they like . Second is Mahjong. It is said that if you fly over the Chengdu Plain , you can hear the sound of playing mahjong.

  毛)about Chengdu .Chengdu has a lot for you to savor(品味) it. Just come here and enjoy yourselves.

英语作文 篇2

  An investigation indicates that about 70% of the unemployed young people in our country now live off their parents, thus becoming Neets. In Japan, more and more young people have joined in the Neet group who neither go to college nor go to work. The boomerang child phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.

  Here I want to ask is, treat such a young man's group, we should take what attitudeOf course, it can't be indifferent to help by how should help

  The individual feels 100 good filial first, human children, we should abide by its own traditional virtue. Against chew old, advocate filial piety!

  Life is like a storm, only when you pass it baptism refined, and to find a bright rainbow is so beautiful.

  Hi, Tom

  I have a very tight schedule these days. I found my work cannot be finished by this Friday. I need someone to share my work load. Could you do me a favor



英语作文 篇3

  Usually, our teachers often give some evaluation onus according to the performance in their eyes.

  Although it is one of the Chinese traditionaleducation system, it is unfair in some extend.

  So, teacher evaluation becomes an important partin the education system, especially in the courseevaluation.

  To have high quality courses, both teachers and students should take the responsibility.

  So, if students can appraise the teaching quality for every teacher, it will be helpful for highquality classes.

  As no one will be perfect, teachers can realize their disadvantages on teaching from teacherevaluation.

  Thus, it is important and necessary.

英语作文 篇4

  The fairy chimneys of Cappadocia are spectacularly peculiar, a sight that needs to be shared. The region offers plenty of opportunities to explore on foot or by car, but the best way is to wake up before dawn for a balloon ride over the jagged landscape and fantastic dwellings. Post-afternoon-nap, climb the stairs up to Uchisar Castle to watch the sunset from the top of the area’s tallest fairy chimney, where Cappadocia mingles with the clouds and everything from Mt Erciyes to the Pigeon Valley is in view.

  卡帕多西亚的`精灵烟囱可以说是一个非常值得观赏的奇观。这个景点为人们提供了很多自驾游的机会,但最好的旅行方式是黎明前夕乘坐热气球俯瞰锯齿景观和梦幻住房。中午小憩过后,顺着阶梯登上乌希萨尔城堡,再看夕阳落下最高的精灵烟囱尖顶,卡帕多西亚城被云雾笼罩,从Mt Erciyes到鸽子谷的景色尽收眼底。










