



英语作文 篇1

  Mother's love is warm like spring, my mother's love is like the sea. In the Mother 's Day will come to the occasion, I would like to praise my heart good mother.

  My mother is an ordinary housewife, for me, she gave up doing many years of work, at home to take care of housework and take care of me. One day, my mother suffered from a bad cold, high fever up to 39 degrees, just my father and travel, no school home from school on the road, I thought today must eat instant noodles, but home, the table has been placed, Of the food, to see my mother's black hair I do not know when there is a few hair white hair, that pale and no longer beautiful face has also climbed small wrinkles, ups and downs to make her white and delicate hands become rough. My eyes are moist, I said to my mother: "You rest! After eating me to wash the bowl." Mom happy nodded, boast I was really a good boy. That day, I washed the bowl for the first time. Mom is so gentle to me that she always gives me the courage when I am in trouble. And once, has always been a good math, in the math test only scored 77 points, his mood is also very heavy, home, my mother did not blame me, just let me find out the reasons, encourage me, let My mood has gradually calmed down. Mother, you know? That time let me love you more. Mother's love is never finished, it is like the wind in the spring, the umbrella in the rain, the fire on the iceberg, always warm me. Is like the mouth of the mouth of the first "wandering Yin" the same: "Who made her husband heart, reported three Chunhui!" Like the district like a small grass filial piety, how can repay the mother that broad selfless love? Now can only repay one hundred one by one, because you see that red one hundred points, always showing a happy smile.

  Mom, you will always be my mother in my heart. I want to say to you by sorrow: "I love you forever!"

英语作文 篇2

  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world. It is one of the few man-made objects on earth that can be seen on the moon. It dates from about 770 BC. It is more than 6000 kilometres long, 6-7 metres high and 4-5 metres wide. All the work was done by hand. Many people were forced to work on the wall. Now the Great Wall has become a place of interest. We all know the famous Chinese saying: “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” Now let me show you around the Great Wall. This way, Please.




英语作文 篇3

  It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.a sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

  the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.it's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. don't go for looks; they can deceive. don't go for wealth, even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

  dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.always put yourself in the other's shoes. if you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.a careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

  love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear. when you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

英语作文 篇4



  1.环保非常重要:There is no doubt that nothing is more important than protecting the environment/our earth.

  2.环保需要我们人人共同努力: It is required that all of us join hands/work together in protecting the environment.

  3. 环保需要我们从身边的小事入手: We should take action to protect the environment from our daily life.



  1.没什么比身体健康更重要:It is believed that nothing is more important than a healthy body.

  2.没有健康身体(心理),我们就会一事无成: Without a healthy body(mind), we can do nothing .

  3.我认为我们应该更多地锻炼:In my opinion, we should spend more time doing exercises.

英语作文 篇5

  People have different ideas about this issue, Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger, do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions. Other people believe that women have the ability to compete with men. There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world. We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.

英语作文 篇6

  Music seems to be a natural need for people. I’ve read that from ancient times human beingshave produced sounds from “instrument” like rocks or skins stretched over a wooden frame.Music is something most people want and need. I think it’s important because it can be a majorpart of both community and individual experience.

  Music is a way of sharing a common bond or feeling. When we’re children, we learn very simplesongs called nursery rhymes. These songs help make us part of our culture by telling us what’sacceptable and what’s not. We play and sing music in our religious ceremonies because itenhances the worship experience. We play music when we’re going to war or celebrating thefact that we’re won a war.

  We have national anthems to share our love and pride for our particular country. We havemusic we play for our school, and music we play for our athletic team. In fact, music hasbecome a big part of athletic games. We use it to taunt the other team as well as celebratewhen points are scored for our team.

  Music is also a major part of individual experiences. When we fall in love, music is usually a partof that experience. People talk about having “our song.” That means the song that was playingwhen they met or a song they both liked when they fell in love. When we get married, we playmusic before and after and sometimes during the ceremony. It expresses how we feel. We playmusic to calm our nerves or to stimulate ourselves to get on with a task. We also play musicfor the simple enjoyment of listening to the sounds.

  Music is special to us because it expresses our connection with our culture, and because itenhance our individual experiences. Nothing else seems to capture our feelings quite so well.

英语作文 篇7

  Not This Extreme Policy

  Now there is a discussion over whether it is right to adopt the policy to allow people who have received high education, especially those who got their degrees abroad to have more than one child while others can't. Considering it brutality, I don't agree to such an inhumane policy.

  According to eugenics, this policy may benefit us in short term. We have to confess the importance of family education.Being the first ones to enlighten their children, parents actually play the role of a life-long teacher to their children, too, having great influence on them. Well-educated parents may probably do better in bringing up children and help them develop better both mentally and physically.Thus, this policy maybe, to some extent, contributes to the development of our nation.

  However, extremely unfair as this policy is, it will undoubtedly do more harm than its would-be advantages. Progeniture is our basic human right, and family planning is the policy we adopted together to stop the overgrowth of people. It is seen as discrimination towards those who are ordinarily educated to allow people with high diploma to bear more children only. This policy runs counter to "freedom, equality and fraternal love" as we've long claimed. It might even cause serious political problem.

  What's more, in my point of view, a good diploma is not necessarily equal to knowledge.Yet, knowledge doesn't mean everything. We should not only judge a person merely by his education level, but by his abilities and skills and health and morality and personality as well. Furthermore, one's education level is not only influenced by his gene but by the financial circumstances, the culture of their families, the surroundings and many other factors.Ordinary people may have their own greatness.

  Einstein's parents hadn't been to any college. If we had forbidden them to have this child, what would the world be? Knowledge doesn't easily mean superiority.

  So radical a policy will not do good to our society. Actually,as far as I am concerned, putting more money to education is far more practical, which will help to form a good atmosphere for education and knowledge, thus lifting up the level of our whole nation. Only this is a long-term solution.

英语作文 篇8

  friends are important. it has often been said that,” no man can live like an island”. as our population increases in size, this is becoming increasingly true. a person will have trouble coping with society without friends. friends should not be confused with acquaintances. acquaintances are people whom you may see often. but, you could never share weal and woe with an acquaintance. acquaintance are usually with you for what they can get. maybe, they like to be with you because you are popular. people usually have few friends and many acquaintances. friends are always there when you need them. they are dependable and responsible they share your sorrow and happiness. they are not interested in what they can get from you. they influence your development, maturity and sense of responsibility. they also warn you when you are in danger of doing wrongly. yes, friends are wonderful. it is nice to enjoy the warmth radiating form good friends.

英语作文 篇9

  I think that friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s something as clear as crystal. It’s not a skill but a true feeling. When something troubles you, your best friend will say something to encourage you.

  When you feel cowardly, your friend will stay with you forever. Though sometimes you may quarrel, soon there will be nothing serious. If you have a good friend, you’ll feel the colourful life and I must say, “What a lucky dog you are!”










