My View on Private Tutoring


  My View on Private Tutoring

  Taking a spare time job as a private tutor is very popular among college students nowadays.Some students do the job on weekends,some during their holidays and some even do it every night.We should admit that private tutoring can benefit students.They can gain more social experience and abilities by doing this.They can get some money to pay for their schoolings.And they can make a lot of friends during the private tutoring.

  Hower,everything has its two sides.Private tutoring has some negetive effects.For one thing,a college student who is doing private tutoring will have less time for his or her study.For the other,middle school students rely on their private teachers so much that they lose interest in normal classes.

  In my opinion,I believe that private tutoring has more advantages than disavantages,so it should be encouraged.
