

  The winter wacation began.I was going to make money for the next term .I was thinking what I could do .I once planned to wash cars for pay or deliver newspapers but there was no chance.

  At that time , my mother was writing a book . There was a lot of type work to do . I would type for pay. Monther agree said ,"If you can finish the type work on time , you will do it."

  I began to work happily. I was paid five yuan for 1000 words .But it was more difficult than ti looked .I was a new hand at typing . I typed very slowly.In order to finishde the work on time , I kept typing all day long . It was hard work for me .

  After two weeks,I finished the work. I got 200 yuan for the work . Now I knew clearly how hard ti was to make money.

上一篇:环保主题班会演讲稿下一篇:成语故事课前三分钟 为渊驱鱼 为丛驱雀