Permanent Address
No.67,Lane 123,Job Rd.Job District
Beijing 200070
(+86) 138-0013-8000 Campus Address (until 5/22/2013) No.76,Lane321,Job Rd.Job District Shanghai 100070 (+86) 138-1234-1234 JOB OBJECTIVE
Summer Intern from 6/12-8/12
Over ?ve years of customer service experience
Experience conducting research and making presentations
Outgoing, personable, and enjoy working in teams and on group projects
Job University Shanghai
B.A. Political Science Minor: Chinese Studies SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATIONExpected in 5/13
WORK EXPERIENCE 8/11-present
Peer Advisor
Delivered more than 12 hour-long oral presentations to a variety of student groups
Compiled presentation materials on service oriented topics for numerous UC Berkeley studentgroups andorganizations
Worked cooperatively on a team of eight to publicize career fairs and workshops
1/10- present Customer Service Representative
Addressed the needs of hundreds of consumers from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds
Ef?ciently attended to customer complaints and handled employee con?ict resolution
6/09-7/09 Promotional Assistant
Worked cooperatively with a group of ? fteen individuals to effectively execute 4th of July promotional activities
Interacted with hundreds of men, women, and children while giving away items for a statewide 4th of July event 6/09- 8/09
Research Assistant
Gathered and processed statistical data from numerous participants that was ultimately used in a
nationwide survey 6/08-8/09
Assistant Manager
Analyzed and implemented new scheduling system resulting in pro?t increase and store ef?ciency
Kept accurate account of large sums of money and ? nancial transaction
Coordinated and supervised numerous recreational activities and events for sixteen employees
MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint Research experience on GLADIS, MELVYL library databases