


  Basic information

  Name: yjbys

  Gender: Female

  Nationality: Han

  Political affiliation: Members

  Date of birth: 1988 November

  Marital status: single

  Degree: College

  University one is graduated from XX school:

  Graduation time: 2012 07 months

  Major: International Trade

  Foreign language: English (PETS-3)

  Computer level: skilled

  Work experience: Practice

  Mobile phone number:

  Electronic mail:

  Job search intention

  Job type: Full-time

  Expectation: import and export trade, industry, finance, intermediary services

  Desired position: sales, human resources, personnel, logistics, property management

  Work location: no limit

  Desired salary: Negotiable

  Education experience

  2009/9--2012/7's School of International Business College

  The main learning: foreign trade English, accounting, international trade, international trade practice, international marketing, international finance, international technology trade, business communication and negotiation, foreign trade correspondence courses.

  Work experience

  2012/3--2012/6's Auto Parts Co. Ltd. the accounting practice

  The company is mainly dealing with financial matters, check every account;

  And carries on the analysis to the company in order to achieve better business purpose.

  2011/11--2012/3 phone's property insurance Limited by Share Ltd sales

  Phone tap potential customers, questions about the customer put forward on automobile insurance is a good answer, good communication with customers in the process to help customers, achieve sales target.

  Self assessment

  My personality is outgoing, sincere studious, full of passion for work, have affinity, has the team spirit.

  Master the professional knowledge, the work is very serious and responsible, has certain organization coordinated ability.

  Strong learning ability, serious and responsible work, dedication, good cooperation with others, begin well and end well.









