想炒老板鱿鱼时 辞职信该怎么写(2)


  In some cases — and, I suspect, in this one — that can be very minimal. State that you’re resigning, and give adequate notice. Your dissatisfaction will be clear enough from the fact of the resignation itself, so there’s no need to reiterate it. Limit any explanation to the boilerplate basics, whether you’re “accepting a new opportunity” or have concluded this job is “not an ideal fit。”


  If you want to send a no-hard-feelings signal for the sake of future conference-circuit encounters, put in some vaguely positive statement: You’ve enjoyed “aspects of the job” or “learned a lot。” (The latter phrase is handy because it sounds nice but could mean almost anything。)


  If you want to go beyond that, examine your motives carefully: It’s easy to rationalize mere venting as helpful advice。


  As I’ve said in the past (in the context of exit interviews), I don’t think offering useful tips to your soon-to-be-former employer needs to be a priority; you’re better off focusing on your own future. And if your advice amounts to “So-and-so is a horrible manager,” you run the risk of your well-intentioned critique being interpreted as sour grapes — not helpful in a field where you may interact with past colleagues regularly。
