想炒老板鱿鱼时 辞职信该怎么写(3)



  Besides, if you think a frank discussion of your manager’s behavior with the higher-ups might make a difference, it would be far more helpful to you and your bosses to have it before you quit. So what you might do is write two resignation letters. In the first one, hold nothing back: Vent with ruthless honesty and achieve full catharsis。


  Now set that aside (where no one else will stumble upon it) and start over. This time, keep it concise. Then, if you think there’s a chance of fixing the situation, have that honest conversation about your issues. If you’re not satisfied with the results, hand over Version 2 — and don’t look back。


  Peer Review: Flexible Scheduling


  I’m writing to object to your characterization of workplace scheduling that includes flexible hours as being a recipe for chaos. When I arrived almost five years ago to be director of social services at a hospital, the department was held in very low esteem by other departments. Staff members did not seem to be able to find a social worker when they needed one. And when they did track one down, the response time was too long and not necessarily helpful。
