


  we had a very quiet and relaxing christmas at home. the kids ate too many chocolates as usual, so now were all on a diet! i hope your christmas was as good, and that you were able to relax for a few days.


  in the third paragraph you can talk about more general family or personal news.


  in the final paragraph, you should thank the person again for their gift, andgive your wishes for the new year if applicable. (see below for useful phrases for ending the letter.)


useful phrases


  you should start your letter with dear and follow it by the persons first name:

  信件开头你应该用“亲爱的”,然后在后面加上收信人的名:dear tom or dear uncle bill“亲爱的汤姆”或“亲爱的比尔叔叔”

  you can end your letter with any of these phrases: 在信件的结尾可以用下面的这些词组:with love (from), with much love (from), lots of love (from) or love (from)followed by your name on the next line. the from in these phrases is optional.

  在名字的下面一行写上“来自于爱你的?”,断句里的“来自”都是可选的。 you normally end

  the letter with repeated thanks and wishes for the new year:


  thank you again for my present.


  thank you again for such a thoughtful gift.


  wishing you a happy new year.


  with all my best wishes for a happy new year.


  wishing you all the best in 20xx.

