


  Distinguished judges from the Hague:

  It is said that the so-called Arbitration on the South China Sea will declare its result in the International Court of Justice in Hague in the near future. The Chinese government has already clearly stated its stance, that is non-participation, non-acceptance, and non-recognition. Chinese representatives will be absent in the court, so it is impossible to bring the trial with China’s absence. Concerning the China’s absence, it dates back to 1919. 97 years ago, also on the European continent, with its mild and wet climate, the Chinese representatives resolutely chose to be absent by refusing to sign the treaties of the Paris Peace Conference. After these 97 years, could we Chinese change our standing?

  Exhausted and deprived, China in 1919 was plagued by foreign aggression and internal conflicts. The nationalist government at that time was tore apart by the warlords. China was impotent in handling the sovereignty disputes, so she had to remain silent in the face of foreign aggression. On the Shandong Peninsula and military ports occupied by Germany, which is the properties of China, Japanese expeditionary force launched attack against Germany and became a victor in WWI. While China, also a victor in WWI, had to endure another humiliation of losing territory and was demanded to cede Shandong to Japan during the Paris Peace Conference . This scene was vividly reproduced in the patriotic film A blockbuster Founding of the Republic when Chinese representative Gu Weijun refused to sign the treaty and delivered a sublime and heroic speech. Undoubtedly, Shandong is the territory of China. And why could we China, being the victor of the war, give away a part of our country to Japan?

  These words are well-founded. Because the May 4th Movement just broke out at that time, during which all the young Chinese, with the burning flame in the heart with patriotism and indignation, gave their perseverant support to the diplomats for the sake of nation and people. What to build the foundation of this weak country were exactly those patriotic souls of young Chinese. Today, after nearly a century, the Chinese are once again absent from the so-called arbitration and agreement concerning territory and sovereignty dispute. And at this time, the backbone of these diplomats are not only the students burning with righteous indignation, but also a country with surging power.
