

  第三章 注册资本Chapter 3 Registered Capital

  第十二条 公司注册资本总额为1000万元人民币。各股东出资额及所占比例如下:

  Article 12 The Company has a registered capital of 10 million yuan, of which each shareholder contributes:

  股东名称Name of shareholder 出资额Contribution 出资比例Percentage

  第十三条 股东以货币出资。Article 13 Shareholders shall contribute capital in cash.

  第十四条 各股东应当于公司注册登记前足额缴纳各自所认缴的出资额。

  Article 14 Each shareholder shall make its capital contribution in full amount prior to the registration of the Company.


  In case a shareholder refuses to make its respective capital contribution, it shall be liable to other shareholders (who have already made capital contribution) for breach of obligation.

  第十五条 股东可以以非货币形式出资,但必须按照法律法规的规定办理有关手续。

  Article 15 Capital contribution may be made in non-monetary form, provided that relevant procedures must be gone through according to laws and regulations.

  第十六条 股东可以依法转让其出资。

  Article 16 Contributed capital may be transferred in accordance with laws.

  第四章 股东会Chapter 4 Shareholders’ Meeting

  第十七条 公司设股东会,股东会由全体股东组成,股东会是公司的最高权力机构。

  Article 17 The Company shall set up shareholders’ meeting, composed of all shareholders. The shareholders’ meeting has the highest authority within the Company.

  第十八条 股东会行使下列职权:

  Article 18 The shareholders’ meeting shall fulfill the following functions:


  (1) Determine operational policies and investment plans of the Company;


  (2) Elect and replace executive director, and determine the remuneration of executive director.


  (3) Elect shareholder representatives to be supervisors, replace supervisors, and determine the remuneration of supervisors;

  (四)审议批准执行董事的报告;(4) Review and approve executive director’ reports;

  (五)审议批准监事的报告;(5) Review and approve supervisor’ reports;


  (6) Review and approve annual financial budgetary plans and final accounting plans of the Company;


  (7) Review and approve profit distribution plans and loss compensation plans of the Company;


  (8) Make resolution on the increase or decrease of registered capital;

  (九)对发行公司债券作出决议;(9) Make resolution on the issuance of corporate bonds;


  (10) Make resolution on the transfer of shareholder contributed capital;


  (11) Make resolution on the merger or division of the Company, change of corporate structure, dissolution, liquidation, etc.;

  (十二)制定和修改公司章程。(12) Prepare and modify the Company’s articles of association.

  第十九条 股东会会议由股东按出资比例行使表决。

  Article 19 In a shareholders’ meeting, voting right shall be exercised in proportion to shareholders’ respective capital contributions.


  Any increase or decrease of registered capital, change of corporate structure, division, merger, dissolution, change of company type, or modification of articles of association, must be subject to the approval of shareholders representing at least 2/3 voting right.

  第二十条 股东会每年召开一次年会。年会为定期会议,在每年的十二月召开。公司发生重大问题,经代表四分之一以上表决权的股东、执行董事,或者监事提议,可召开临时会议。

  Article 20 An annual general meeting of shareholders shall be convened in December each year. Any major issue of the Company may be discussed at an interim meeting convened by shareholders or the executive director or proposed by supervisors who represent at least 1/4 voting right.

  第二十一条 股东会会议由执行董事召集,执行董事主持。执行董事因特殊原因不能履行职务时,由执行董事指定的股东召集主持。

  Article 21 The shareholders’ meeting shall be convened and presided over by the executive director. If the executive director cannot preside due to special reasons, a shareholder appointed thereby will preside over the meeting.

  第二十二条 召开股东大会,应当于会议召开十五日前通知全体股东。股东因故不能出席时,可委托代理人参加。

  Article 22 When a shareholders’ meeting is to be convened, a notice shall be served to all shareholders 15 days in advance. Any shareholder who cannot attend due to some reasons may appoint a representative to attend on his behalf.


  Generally, a resolution is deemed valid on a shareholders’ meeting when it is approved by 1/2 (or more) of all shareholders and by over 1/2 voting right.


  Any modification to these articles of association must not become valid until it is approved by 1/2 (or more) of all shareholders and by over 2/3 voting right at a shareholders’ meeting.

  第二十三条 股东会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的股东应当会议记录上签名。

  Article 23 The shareholders’ meeting shall keep meeting minutes of decisions discussed, and shareholders attending the meeting shall sign on the meeting minutes.  第五章 执行董事Article 5 Executive Director











