

  Other unmentioned terms can be specified in the supplementary agreement signed by both parties after consultation. If the supplementary agreement is in conflict with this agreement, the content in the supplementary agreement will be applied. If the dispute occurred during the implementation of this agreement can not be solved after consultation, the case will be submit to the people’s court of for solving and shall be governed by the laws of the People‘s Republic of China.

  5.3 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执中、英文版本各壹份,具同等法律效力,中、英文版本如有冲突,以中文版本意思为准。本协议经双方签字、盖章并于双方所签的主合同生效条件下生效,本协议中部分条款无效或失效,不影响协议中其他条款的有效性。


  This agreement is written in duplicate, each party respectively holds the Chinese & English versions, which are with the same legal binding force on both parties. If there is conflict between the Chinese version and English version, the explanation of the Chinese version will be applied. This agreement becomes effective after being signed & stamped by both parties based on the validation of the main contract and will be invalid if the main contract is out of validation.As part of the terms in this Agreement be or become invalid or null, does not affect the validity of the other terms of the agreement.

  甲方:Party A 乙方:Party B:

  授权代表:Authorized representative 授权代表:Authorized representative

  日期:Date: 日期:Date:

  填写指南:Guide for filling this agreement

  1, 主合同涉及产品型号没有确定时,填写预计可以确定的时间,并注明在该日期补充签订本协议。

  If the product model involved in the contract has not been confirmed, fill a predicted confirmation date and mark the information of supplementing this agreement on that date.

  2, 主合同涉及专利(申请)号没有获得的,填写预计可以获得的时间,并注明在该日期补充签订本协议。

  If the patent (application) number has not been acquired, fill a predicted confirmation date and mark the information of supplementing this agreement on that date.

  3, 发明创造的专利申请权和专利权全部归属甲方的情况,将2.1前的方框涂黑,然后按实际情形选择涂黑2.1下面所列的一个或者一个以上方框。

  If Party A owns the ownership of patent application right & patent right, blacken the square before clause 2.1 and then blacken one square or several squares listed below clause 2.1 according to the actual situation.

  4, 发明创造的专利申请权和专利权双方共享的情况,将2.2前的方框涂黑,然后按实际情形选择涂黑2.2下面所列的一个或者一个以上方框。

  If the ownerships of patent application right & patent right belong to both parties, blacken the square before clause 2.2 and then blacken one square or several squares listed below clause 2.1 according to the actual situation.

  5, 发明创造的专利申请权和专利权全部归属乙方的情况,将2.3前的方框涂黑,然后按实际情形选择涂黑2.3下面所列的一个或者一个以上方框

  If Party B owns the ownership of patent application right & patent right, blacken the square before clause 2.3 and then blacken one square or several squares listed below clause 2.3 according to the actual situation.

  6, 选择涂黑乙方支付给甲方专利费用,应后附《专利估值表》。一次性买断,支付不低于专利估值的费用;单个产品摊销:一次性买断专利费用除以乙方承诺的某一周期内的销售数量。(例:一次性买断费用为10万美元,客户承诺一年内销售5万台,每台摊销为100÷5=2美元。)

  If Party B selects to pay the patent fee to Party A, the “Patent appraisement Table” shall be attached. If Party B selects to buyout the patent, he shall pay the patent fee no less than the appraisement; If Party B selects to amortize in each product, the fee shall be equal to the result of the total fee for buying the patent divides by the promised sales quantity in a given period. (For example: the total fee for buying the patent is $100,000, the promised sales quantity within one year is 50000 units, so the amortization for each product shall be as below: $100000/50000=$ 2)

  7, 选择涂黑乙方承诺某一周期内(一般为两年)的订单量或者销售额的,应后附《专利估值表》,以一次性买断的专利费用计算销售量或销售额。(例:某专利产品与客户确定FOB价格,此价格包含1美元的专利费用,而一次买断的专利费用为10万美元,那么订单量的计算为1X10万=10万台。)

  If Party B promises a target sales amount in a given period ( two years in general), the “Patent Appraisement Table” shall be attached and count the sales quantity or sales amount with the total fee for buying the patent. ( For example: the FOB price quoted include the patent fee of $1, and the total fee for one-off buying the patent is $10,000, so the order quantity shall be as below: 1*100000=100000 units)

  8, 甲方享有专利申请权和专利权的情况,按实际情形选择将相应的方框涂黑。

  If Party A owns the ownership of patent application right & patent right, blacken the corresponding squares according to the actual situation.

  9, 乙方享有专利申请权和专利权的情况,按实际情形选择将相应的方框涂黑。

  If Party B owns the ownership of patent application right & patent right, blacken the corresponding squares according to the actual situation.

  10, 涉及第三方专利使用权的情况,按实际情形选择将相应的方框涂黑。

  For the right of exploitation of patent owned by the third party, blacken the corresponding squares according to the actual situation.


  The merchandisers fill this “Patent Ownership Agreement” and submit it to the department manager for check, and then this agreement shall be reviewed by the regional general manager and final approved by CTO.
