

  Job title: operations vice President

  Job description: - up to now, in July 2012 to work in the star international furniture co., LTD, responsible for the company's overall operations, director of administration, human resources, procurement, production, PMC, research and development, quality, warehouse, logistics, the work of nine department connected to the export department, domestic department, finance department work, familiar with the development of the private enterprise characteristic, familiar with the local culture, understand the management of the ERP software and application, injection molding, extrusion, metal, wooden, soft package, spray paint, plastic spraying, assembly, packaging production process, know the stereoscopic warehouse operation process, to use their wisdom and unique management style, is good enough to play in this period and reflected, by the shareholders of a company divided seriously, in spite of efforts can't reconcile, tore myself to seek better development.

  Leaving reason: shareholders divided

  ▌ 2007-02-2012-06: taizhou stars of air-conditioner fittings co., LTD

  Industry: furniture, household appliances, handicrafts, toys (private companies)

  As a post: business/management/business/management class

  Job title: vice President

  Job description: in February 2007 - June 2012 Working in taizhou stars of air-conditioner fittings co., LTD., deputy managing director of company, be responsible for the comprehensive management work, promote the development of the company, over the past few years the continuous development of Shanghai glass company and xuzhou branch, group head office operations for the good cooperation and promote, has carried on the deep internal and external communication and coordination, good results have been achieved. Familiar with inspection procedures and certification work of the company, can independently drafting company files and program files, has a strong ability of organization and management ability.  Leaving reason: to seek better development  Education experience

  The 2005-07-2007-12 management/business administration college of nanchang university


  Technical titles: no

  Language ability: other: skilled; Other:;

  Local dialect: good;

  Computer ability: high

  Other skills:

  The enterprise management
