

  1.我在邮件里附上了自己写好的草稿和个人简历。原则上说,推荐信应该完全由教授写,但是我相信大学教授们公务已经很繁忙,不会闲到有时间为我们斟词酌句,从空白的纸上写出费时又费力得推荐信。但如果是在现有的草稿上修改就不一样了,这不仅会为他们减轻很多工作量,而且能让他们知道你想在推荐信里强调自己哪方面的能力,从而最终的结果也更能meet your expectations. 即使不写完整的草稿,也要在邮件中提供详细的信息和材料。附上最基本的简历能为教授提供被推荐人的经历的大致轮廓,毕竟他们没有理由为一个自己根本不了解的学生写推荐。


  Step 2: 等待回复


  Dear Ms Fan,

  Thank you for your e-mail. Sure, I can write the letter of recommendation for you; however, as I am at the moment hard-pressed for time, I cannot promise to have the piece ready by the end of the week. Please let me know quickly whether it is alright if I send you the document after my return from my holidays at the beginning of August. Are there any deadlines?


  M. Goth

  Step 3: 继续交涉和沟通


  Dear Ms Fan,

  I am happy to inform you that I have by now written your recommendation. I shall be at the university tomorrow; you can reach me between 9.15 and 10 in the morning, and between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. I have attached my text to your e-mail. Please let me know if you are able to pick it up tomorrow. Best regards
