

  M. Goth


  Step 4: 感谢推荐人

  最后别忘记再次发邮件感谢,这不仅仅是一种good manners, 更重要的是在未来的学术领域我们很可能还会需要他们的帮助。保持联系,告诉推荐人申请的进展;如果最终获得admission,更应和自己的推荐人分享这份欣喜。


  Dear Dr. Goth,

  I would like to thank you for taking the time and effort to write the letter of recommendation for me. I am truly thankful for your support.

  Translating gives me great pleasure and so did your translation course. I appreciate the way you teach and enjoyed the discussions in the class. Every time we finished translating a text, I felt a great sense of achievement. After this summer term, I become even more determined to further my study in this field.

  I want to let you know how much your recommendation letter means to me. It will open doors and provide opportunities as I start this next stage of my life. I will keep you updated about my progress in applying to graduate school. Thanks again.

  Best regards,

  Yi Fan


  实践课Campus TV的老师其实也欣然应允了,答应邮寄给我。但是我一个多星期后仍未收到,于是打电话询问。同事告知这位老师正在休假,但答应帮我转达。后来回复邮件已寄出,但我至今未收到,从此也没有下文。

  经济英语的老师我也是当面提出的,当时的回答是 I need to ask if I’m allowed to write you a recommendation.让隔天再去。隔日,他将推荐信给我,但遗憾的是没有用校方公函信纸打印,只有签字和系里的公章,因而显得很粗糙,也不符合所申学校的要求。因此,关于推荐信的细节一定要事先明确向老师说明,不能不好意思提这些要求,因为如果这时不提,等老师把细节上不符合要求的推荐信交到你手上时,就更加不好意思开口说了。
