

  b. Sincerity (诚恳)

  c. Sense of responsibility(责任感)

  d. Coorperation(合作)

  e. Enthusiasm (热诚)

  f. Conscientiousness(自觉性)

  g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)

  h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性)

  i. Concern for others(关怀他人)

  j. Patience (耐心)

  k. Perseverance (恒心)

  l. Seriousness of purpose(求学认真)

  m. Work habits (工作习惯)

  n. Initiative(主动性)

  o. Record of disciplinary action or misconduct(曾受弄罚或品行不良纪录)

  ⑤ Personality(个性)

  a. Amiability; amicability (和蔼)

  b. Cheerfulness (愉快)

  c. Ability to work with others (能否与他人相处)

  ⑥ Motivation (动力)

  a. Internal drive for exellence (好胜心)

  b. Objective defined (有无确定的目标)

  c. Capability of sustained independent work (长期独立工作的能力)

  d. Motivation to pursue graduate study(进入研究所的决心)

  ⑦ Leadership Ability (领导才能)

  ⑧ Emotion (情绪)

  a. Emotional maturity (心理成熟)

  b. Emotional balance (情绪稳定)

  c. Emotional adjustment (情绪调节能力)

  d. Temper (脾气)

  ⑨ Health(健康)

  a. Physical health(身体健康)

  b. Mental health (精神健康)

  c. Physical defects(生理缺陷)

  ⑩ Professional experience(工作经验)

  c. Ability to work with others (能否与他人相处)
