

  Even to this day, I have those moments. I have those moments all the time, probably far more than you can imagine I would. I know I need to make the adjustments. I know I need to believe in myself and raise my hand, because I’m sitting next to some guy and he thinks he’s awesome. So, to all of you, if you remember nothing else today, remember this: You are awesome. I’m not suggesting you be boastful. No one likes that in men or women. But I am suggesting that believing in yourself is the first necessary step to coming even close to achieving your potential.即使到现在,这种时刻也依然出现。我知道自己需要做出一些调整,也知道应该更相信自己,更主动一些,因为我正和某个认为自己非常了不起的男士平起平坐。要重要的是,自信并非自负。无论男人还是男人,自负的人都是不受欢迎的。相信自己,是你尽可能发挥潜能所必需迈出的第一步。

  You should also know that there are external forces out there that are holding you back from really owning your success. Studies have shown—and yes, I kind of like studies—that success and likeability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. This means that as men get more successful and powerful, both men and women like them better. As women get more powerful and successful, everyone, including women, likes them less.你还得做好心理准备去迎接各种阻碍你获得真正成功的外部压力。研究表明——男性的成功指数与魅力成正比,而女性则恰恰相反。这意味着,当男性越来越成功、有权有势时,其他的男人和女人会更加喜欢他;而当一个女性更加成功并拥有更多权力的时候,无论是男人还是女人,都会越来越不喜欢她。

  I’ve experienced this firsthand. When I first joined Facebook, there was a well-read blog out in the Valley that devoted some incredibly serious pixels to trashing me. Anonymous sources called me a liar, two-faced, about to ruin Facebook forever. I cried some when I was alone, I lost a bunch of sleep. Then I told myself it didn’t matter. Then everyone else told me it didn’t matter, which just reminded me of one thing: they were reading it too. I fantasized about all kinds of rejoinders, but in the end, my best and only response was just to do my job and do it well. When Facebook’s performance improved, the trash talk went away.这些情况我都亲身经历过。在我刚刚加入facebook时,有一篇在硅谷相当出名的博客文章,添油加醋地说了很多关于我的不好的事情。在这篇匿名的文章中,我是个骗子、双面人,几乎要弄垮facebook。我在没人的地方大哭了几场,整夜整夜失眠。后来我告诉自己,没关系。接着旁人也告诉我没关系。我这才知道原来大家都看过那篇文章。我曾经给自己想过无数种反驳的方式,但最终最好的也是唯一的回应就是把工作做好。当人们发现facebook的业绩开始蒸蒸日上,所有的攻击全都烟消云散了。
