

  Do I believe I was judged more harshly because of my double-Xs? Yes. Do I think this will happen to me again in my career? Sure. I told myself that next time I’m not going to let it bother me, I won’t cry. I’m not sure that’s true. But I know I’ll get through it. I know that the truth comes out in the end, and I know how to keep my head down and just keep working.是否作为女人会得到更严厉的苛责呢?我想是的。我是否觉得这种事情会再次发生在我的职业生涯里呢?当然会。我告诉过自己,下次再发生类似的事情,我一定不会因此而心烦意乱,我不会哭泣——虽然这一点我也有些不太确定。但是我知道无论如何我都会熬过去。我知道真相最后一定会浮出水面,我也知道如何保持低调,专注在工作上。 协调平衡的家庭关系

  If you think big, if you own your own success, if you lead, it won’t just have external costs, but it may cause you some personal sacrifice. Men make far fewer compromises than women to balance professional success and personal fulfillment. That’s because the majority of housework and childcare still falls to women. If a heterosexual couple work full time, the man will do—the woman, sorry—the woman will do two times the amount of housework and three times the amount of childcare that her husband will do. From my mother’s generation to mine, we have made far more progress making the workforce even than we have making the home even, and the latter is hurting the former very dramatically. So it’s a bit counterintuitive, but the most important career decision you’re going to make is whether or not you have a life partner and who that partner is. If you pick someone who’s willing to share the burdens and the joys of your personal life, you’re going to go further. A world where men ran half our homes and women ran half our institutions would be just a much better world.如果你敢想,如果你获得了成功,如果你成为了主导者,那么就不仅要有外部成本,还可能要做出一些个人牺牲。男性在平衡事业成功与实现自我价值这两个问题上,需要妥协的地方比女性少得多。因为绝大部分家务和照顾孩子的重任都落在女性肩膀上。如果一对异性恋夫妇各自有全职工作,那么同丈夫相比,妻子至少要做两倍以上的家务和三倍以上照顾孩子及丈夫的工作。从我母亲那一代到我这一代,在要求平等权利这个问题上,女性在职场上取得的进步要比在家庭中大得多。而无疑后者对前者有着极大影响。这么说可能有点儿反常,但你要做出的最重要的职业规划其实是是否需要一个伴侣以及这个伴侣是谁。如果你选择愿意同你一起分担家庭责任的人,你在事业上一定会走得更远。一个由男性和女性平均分担家庭与社会责任的世界一定会是个更美好的世界。
