


  Vice Minister Hao Ping,

  Vice Mayor [of Shanghai City] Shen Xiaoming,

  Dr Pei Gang [of Tong Ji University],

  Mr Zhou Zhengkuan.


  Ladies and Gentlemen,尊敬的教育部副部长,


  **大学**教授 ,


  Thank you for your welcome. It is good to see so manydistinguished representatives of theacademic community, government officials and the private sector. Thank you for coming together in support of the United Nations Academic Impact. China, and the city of Shanghai, is a fitting place for us to join forces. Innovation and change are all around us.


  At every turn, we see cutting edge ideas and technology … born perhaps in a college laboratory or a library… through the spark of a professor…the curiosity of a student…the dynamism of a classroom. Last year, I visited a state-of-the-art solar facility in Xi'an. I saw energy efficiency technologies that will help us to tackle climate change. But I saw something more: a mutually reinforcing partnership between global and national purpose, a melding of scholarship and entrepreneurship in the service of humankind.

