


  it would have been easy for these folks to do nothing – to worry about themselves and leave the rest to someone else. but that’s not who we are. that’s not what we do.


  as americans, we are a bold, generous, big-hearted people. when our brothers and sisters are in need, we roll up our sleeves and get to work – not for the recognition or the reward, but because it’s the right thing to do. because there but for the grace of god go i. and because here in america, we rise or fall together, as one nation and one people.


  that’s something to be grateful for – today and every day.


  so to all the americans doing your part to make our world a better place – it is my privilege to serve as your president. to all our servicemembers – it is my honor to be your commander in chief. and from our family to yours, happy thanksgiving.  因此,我要对所有各尽其职共同创造我们美好家园的美国人说,我为能够成为你们的总统而感到无比荣幸;我要对所有的部队军人说,我为能够成为你们的总司令而无比自豪。我代表我们全家祝愿你们感恩节快乐!
