

  In addition, Party A further commits: any part of any fund (including but not limited to any funds, service fee included, that Party A receives under the Land Lease Agreement and the Service Agreement) should not be used for purpose or acts of violation of the Chinese law, nor should it be used for bribery or commercial bribery; in the course of leasing land to Party B and providing Party B with service, Party A should not have any purpose and acts of violation of Chinese law and should not have acts of bribery, commercial bribery or any other violations of Chinese law.


  Party B has the right to inspect and audit, at any time during the Lease Duration stipulated in the Land Lease Agreement or at any time within 2 years after the termination or expiration of the Lease Duration, all records of Party A to ensure compliance with the terms of this provision upon giving two-day prior notice to Party A. If Party A commits any bribery, commercial bribery or other acts in violation of the Chinese law or breaches any terms of this provision, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement,, Party B shall have the right to immediately terminate the Service Agreement, the Land Lease Agreement and all other agreements and transactions with Party A. If Party B suffers any losses due to Party A’s bribery, commercial bribery or other acts in violation of Chinese law, Party A should take full responsibilities and compensate Party B (including its employees, directors, managers, shareholders and affiliates and affiliates’ employees, directors, managers, shareholders) for all its direct and indirect liabilities, costs, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, any attorney fees.  甲、乙双方同意,本土地租赁补充协议是对双方于___年__月__日所签订的土地租赁协议书的补充,与土地租赁协议书具有同等法律效力。

  Both Party A and Party B agree that this Land Lease Supplement Agreement is supplement to the Land Lease Agreement signed by the Parties on ____ and shall have equal legal effect as the Land Lease Agreement.

  甲方:(公章)Party A: (chop) 乙方:( 公章 )Party B: (chop)

  代表:Representative: 代表:Representative:

  年 月 日Date: 年 月 日Date:
