

  The parties agree that the annual rent for the Lease Land for the first lease year is ___RMB for each mu. The first lease year refers to the period starting from the leasing commencement date to the date immediately preceding the same date of the following year and, thereafter, the time of each 12-month period constitutes one lease year.

  (2). 每个租约年的租金由乙方于每年____前向甲方一次性支付,如因乙方的原因逾期未付,则乙方每逾期一日按逾期欠付租金金额的___‰承担逾期付款滞纳金,但是逾期付款滞纳金的总额不得超过当年租金的___%。

  Party B shall pay the annual rent for each lease year to Party A in lump sum by the end of each May without delay. Should the rent payment be delayed due to Party B’s sake, Party B shall pay a late payment fee calculated at a daily __‰ of the unpaid rent price for each day delayed in payment, provided, however, that the total sum of the late payment fee shall not be higher than ___% of the annual rent.

  (3). 甲方需在乙方支付租金之前___日,就应付租金向乙方出具合法有效的相关发票,若因甲方未能及时出具合法有效的相关发票导致乙方未按期支付租金的,乙方不承担逾期付款的责任。

  Party A shall provide Party B with the relevant legal and valid invoices 20 days before Party B makes the rent payment. Should Party B fail to make timely payment of the rent due to Party A’s failure to timely provide the relevant legal and valid invoices, Party B shall not incur any liability for the delayed payment.

  (4). 对于因甲方原因导致乙方不能如期支付租金的,乙方不承担逾期付款违约责任。

  Party B shall not incur liabilities for delayed payment of rent if such Party B’s delay in payment of rent is caused by Party A.

  (5). 甲方在收到乙方的每笔租金后,必须按照各承包农户的土地面积及上述约定的租金标准,及时按比例向相关农户进行发放,如果因甲方原因而引发承包农户与乙方之间的矛盾,甲方必须承担全部责任。如果因承包农户与乙方之间的矛盾而造成乙方遭受损失的,甲方应赔偿乙方因此而遭受的全部损失(如适用)。
