Unit 6 Mainly revision的教案设计



  一、Teaching Aims

  本单元为复习课,重点复习1至5单元出现的语法现象和日常交际用语,英语教案-Unit 6 Mainly revision。同时通过对话课的学习与操练,进一步熟悉有关打电话的用语,通过对两篇文章的学习,了解一些有关集邮,集硬币方面的知识,学生能够对硬币的历史,发展和收藏进行介绍。

  二、Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and phrases

  shape, ring, collection, bank, material, hide, (hid, hidden), envelope, cheaply, cock, shame coin, silver, penny, (pi. pence) , mine, possibly, whenever, whatever, afford, hand out, here and there, look round, sooner or later, pick up, packs of, kind of…, at the beginning, be mixed with

  2.Daily expressions

  Hello. Can I speak to Zhou Lan, please?

  This is Zhou Lan speaking.

  But I’ve only just got home.

  I would like to ask you about some stamps.

  What a pity! What a shame!

  I’ll ring you if I have any news.

  It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier.


  Revise grammar from unit one to unit five.



  在Lesson 21 有关打电话的对话练习,教师引导学生以口头练习为主,让学生在对话交际功能学会打电话的用语。教师可设置情景对话让学生们进行操练,比如说:教师让两个学生们到前表演,话题为谈论借英语学习杂志或其它使用学生们感兴的题目,教师给学生在黑板上写一些电话用语的日常用语如:Can/May I speak …..? This is ….speaking? Is that..? so on教师在这里只充当配角。



上一篇:Unit 8 Recycle 2的教案范文下一篇:幼儿园下班数学我会放玩具教案