


  After checking the WB Exx, the teacher asks the students to read the letter on Page 6 first, and then ask them to discuss what was upsetting Lisa.

  T:   Here is a letter written to Miss Wang of radio by Lisa. Read the letter, please. Try to find out what was upsetting her with your partners, using the indirect speech.

  S:   Lisa made a friend with a boy in her class. But her classmates said they fell in love. Lisa said she didn't want to end the friendship. Lisa asked what she should do.

  Step II  Listening (Using language) The students will hear what Miss Wang says,   then ask the students to answer the questions, using the indirect speech. At last, get them to spell out the words and fill in the blanks.

  T: OK, we've already known the Lisa's problems on making friends. Miss Wang has suggested some possible solutions. Please look at page 6. We 're going to listen to what Miss Wang says, and then answer the questions of Ex 2. Go through the questions quickly.

  Write down the key words as quickly as possible.

  Listen again and check the answers with the whole class.

  T: Now let's listen to it again and try to spell out the words and fill in the blanks.

  Step III Listening (WB P41)

  The students will hear a passage about Anne's best friend, her diary Kitty.   They are asked to complete the passage according to the tape.

  T: In the following part, we are going to listen to a passage about Anne's diary. Listen to the tape carefully and fill in the blanks.

  Listen to it again and check the answers with the whole class.

  Step IV   Listening Task(WB P43)

  The task can be divided into three parts. First, the students will hear a story about an argument between Anne and her father about her boyfriend. After listening, they just write down their different thoughts. Then they can have a debate to find out a better solution to solve Anne and her father's problem. The activity should be prepared carefully beforehand. During the class, the two teams just do the final preparations.

  StepV    Assignment

  1.  Today we have learnt how to solve the problems on making friends. For the homework, describe one of the problems between friends and how it is solved.

  2. What does cool mean?

  What do you think should do with your friends?


  Period 5:  WRITING

  Step I    Revision

  Check the homework, asking them to read out their ideas for the class.

  T: Let's check the homework. I'd like some of you to read out their ideas.

  For the class. Volunteer!

  Step II   Warming up

  T: Have you ever read The 21st Century ?

  S: Yes, I have. It's a popular paper among teenagers in China.

  T: If you have any problem, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. Here is a letter from a student.

  Step lII   Writing (B P7)

  This part asks the students to write their advice to Xiao Dong as an editor. First, let the students to discuss how to write a letter to offer some advice with their partners. Second,   teacher shows the instructions on how to write a proposal letter on the screen.   Third,   ask the students to read the letter on Page 7.   Ask them to discuss what Xiao Dong's problem is and what is the solution they can offer in groups of 4, with the help of the points given on the books. Fourth, give them ten minutes to write the letter. At last,   ask some of the students to read their letters for the class while the teacher gives some comments.

  T: Today we're going to write your advice to Xiao Dong as an editor. Do you know how to write a proposal letter? Now, let's have a discussion on it with your partners. Students are talking about how to write a proposal letter.

  T: Who'd like to answer this question?

  S: The problem should be presented first. Then we must analyze the reasons to cause the problem. Proposing the solution must be the main, which should be well explained.

  T: Exactly. The discussion of the solution itself, based on the analysis of the problem,   is the core of a proposal. I'll give you some instructions about how to write the body part of a proposal letter as follows.

  T: AH right, let's read the letter on Page 7. And try to find out what Xiao Dong's problem is and what is the solution they can offer in groups of 4, with the help of the points given on the books.

  The students are discussing Xiao Dong's letter.

  T: OK, who can tell me what Xiao Dong's problem is?

  S: He is not very good at communicating with people. He wants to know how to make friends with others.

  T: Quite right. Now please write your advice to Xiao Dong as an editor with the help of the points given on the books.   I'll ask some of the students to read their letters

  for the class in ten minutes. The students are writing the letters.

  T: Have you finished? I'll ask some of the students to read their letters for the class.










