


  1. 1. Typical patterns for showing the changes of one's mind

  原句:To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage,…. But when I met Mark, I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. (L. 28) 首先我必须承认,刚开始我对异族通婚是有保留的,?但当我见到马克时,我发现他是一个既讨人喜欢又聪明的年轻人.


  To start with, sb. admits ( feels / believes) that at first ( at the beginning)… But when (as)…, he / she found (realized) that…

  首先某人承认(感到/认为),起初,? 但是当??时,某人发现(感觉到)?

  应用:a. 首先我应该承认,起初她的外貌并没有给我留下什么印象.但随着我们接触增多,我发现她温柔,贤惠,善解人意.

  To start with I must admit that at the beginning her looks left little impression on me. But as we made more contacts with each other, I found her gentle, virtuous, and good at reading my mind.

  应用: b. 他首先承认当初他对此事想得太简单,觉得不用费多大力.但当他着手做此事时, 他突然意识到,凡事想做好都不容易.

  To start with he admits that at first he took the matter for granted, assuming it is unnecessary for him to make much effort. But when he set about doing it, he came to a sudden awareness that nothing is so easy if one wants to do it better.

  2. Typical patterns for showing one's disapproval of doing sth.

  原句:If we had to resolve all doubt before we acted, very little would ever get done. (L. 63)



  If sb. has to do sth. before sb. does what he wants to do, little (nothing) would…


  应用: a. 诚然, 谨慎的确重要.但如果在采取行动之前我们总得瞻前顾后, 那么什么事情也做不成.

  Admittedly, being cautious really matters. But if we always have to look ahead and behind before we take actions, nothing could be achieved. 应用: b. 假如我们在实施一项计划之前必须征得每个人的支持, 那么很多机会就会白白丧失, 从而一事无成.

  If we have to get everyone's approval of a plan before we put it into effect, many opportunities would be wasted, thus leaving little to be done.

  3. Typical patterns for expressing one's reservations about sth.

  原句: You may be right. But I still think that waiting won't hurt. (L.41) 你也许是对的.但我还是认为再等一段时间有好处.


  Sb. (Sth.) else may be right (correct / reasonable / true). But sb. still

  thinks (believes / considers / feels / takes the view) that…


  应用: a. 发展当地经济是正确的.但我仍然认为以牺牲环境为代价来发展经济无异于杀鸡取卵.

  Developing local economy is correct. But I still believe developing the economy at the expense of the environment is no different from killing the goose to get its golden egg.

  应用: b. 他关于成功的定义也许是对的.但我仍然认为一个成功的人是执着追求自己梦想的人.重要的是过程,而非结果.

  His definition of success may be right. But I still think a successful person is one who persists in pursuing his dream. It's the process, not the result, that counts.

  Assignments: 3) writing: Choose one of the topics given to write a paragraph, which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea; 4) Preview: Section B.

  自我评价问题Questions for Self-evaluation:

  Do I understand the text and fully master the useful words and expressions Have I learned some traditional ideas about marriage practiced by different cultures around the world

  Have I mastered the devices of developing a paragraph which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea

  4. Have I conducted a series of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities assigned by the teacher and done it well

  教材与教学资源Resources and Materials:

  New Horizon English 2 --- Reading and Writing

  New Horizon English 2 --- Listening and Speaking

  New Horizon English 2 --- Reading and Writing (Teacher's book)

  New Horizon English 2 --- Listening and Speaking (Teacher's book) New Horizon English 2--- Speed Reading

  Online Resources about New Horizon English


  Oxford Advanced Learner's English Chinese Dictionary

  Macmillan English Chinese Dictionary

  A Dictionary of English Collocations

  A Chinese English Dictionary









