




  本案例是温州首届学科骨干教师研修班在温州教师教育院培训期间,借用温州二十二中的一个高一班级所上的一节研讨课,内容是NSEFC SB2 Unit4的Grammar部分――“be being done”(the Passive Voice of Present Continuous )。授课老师是瑞安中学的占玉霜老师。占老师这一节课的整体操作模式是按:“认识理解-情景操练-归纳总结-练习巩固-任务活用”的程序进行的。虽然授课班级学生的英语实际水平差强人意,但临近结束时,学生们已从开始时的沉闷、拘谨、懵懂变得积极、清晰而且流畅。授课取得了良好的效果。





  Step1. Warming up and presentation

  1.T leads in the class with a game, getting the Ss to guess what animal pictures that she will present on the screen.

  2.After the Ss give all kinds of answers, T presents the pictures of 4 kinds of animals, they are: giraffes, antelopes, pandas, and elephants.

  T: What do they have in common?

  S1: They are animals in danger.

  T: Why are they in danger?

  S2: People are killing them.

  T: Oh! Theyare being killedby people. (on the screen)

  T: What are the antelopes being killed for? (T repeats it)

  S3: Theyare being killedfor their fur. (on the screen) (with the help of the teacher)


  Step2. Practice (situations from “Reading”)

  T: Luckily,nowsome endangered wildlife is _______ (protect) by WWF and the Nature Reserve (on the screen) (T helps the Ss say “is being protected”). See, Daisy is visiting the Nature Reserve (with pictures of Daisy and some animals). The following are the dialogue between her and some animals. Can you imagine what the animals say.

  e.g On the screen:

  Daisy: What is happening to you now?

  Giraffe(S1):Scientists are studying us.

  S2:We are being studied by scientists.( with the help of the teacher)

  Daisy: And, what are the raisers feeding you with?

  Panda(S3):They are feeding us with milk.

  S4:We are being fed with milk.(without the help of the teacher)

  …(more practice)

  分析:这一步来源于本单元“Reading”部分,教师利用这部分创设了一个语境:Daisy is visiting the Nature Reserve. 在这个语境中,学生以动物的口吻,按对话的形式操练了语法结构,这让学生感到新鲜,同时也锻炼了想象力,且复习了课文内容,可谓一箭三雕。而且,随着操练的进行,学生通过模仿从“不会”到“有些会”了。

  Step3. Further practice (situations from “real life”)

  T: Unluckily, in our life, there’re still some people who don’t treat animals well. Look, this is what they do to the animals.(presents 3 pictures: the 1st: A woman is stepping on a cat; the 2nd: People are eating frogs; the 3rd: people are killing seals). T helps the Ss to describe the 3 pictures:

  S1: The cat is being cruelly stepped on.

  S2: The frogs are being eaten by people in restaurants.

  S3: The seals are being killed for their skin.(Ss can say a little fluently than in the last step)


  Step4. Conclusion

  T: You’ve done a very good job, and now let’s make a conclusion of what we’ve learned. On the screen:


  1).The elephants are being protectednow.

  2).The pandas are being fed with milkover there.

  3).Look! The frog is being eaten.


  1).A nature reserve is being builtthese days.

  2).Many interesting experiments are being carried outrecently.


  Step5. Exercises (consolidation)

  Ss do some exercises to consolidate the grammar, including the multiple choices, sentence transition (with the form “be under/in +n”), a cloze test (about how the environment in the Nature Reserve is being improved, mixed with other forms of Passive Voice of different tense in it. )


  Step6. Task

  On the screen, there is a picture with a variety of birds in a park, and the words as below: Our government is making a project to encourage more birds to come to our park to spend the cold winter. Please imaginewhat is being doneto attract many birds to come here. (items offered: food, water, nest, camera etc)

  Ss cooperate and prepare for a few minutes, then report.(Now, the Ss speak much better and more fluently than the beginning.)


  Step7. Game

  Boys and girls have a game of PK. The girls make up sentences using the active voice “be doing”, and the boys change the sentences to the passive voice “be being done”.

