



  I. 单词拼写

  1.Tom celebrated the a_________(到达)of the New Year with a party for his friends.

  2. Getting food to s__________(挨饿的) people does nothing to stop the war.

  3. We just can’t find enough good second-hand cars to s__________(满足) demands.

  4. The fruit was often served at wedding f__________(盛宴).

  5. Is Russia a E_______(欧洲) country or Asian country? Many people are puzzled sometimes.

  6. Carolina was a__________ (奖励)the prize for both films.

  7. No one is to see the document without the p__________ (许可)of the writer of the report.

  8. I’ve made up my mind, but it’s o_______(显而易见)that you need more time to think it over.

  9. Dolphins have sometimes been known to save d__________ (快要溺死)swimmers.

  10. I used to a__________ (羡慕)him as a true scientist and hard worker.

  II. 短语翻译

  1. 出现______________________ 2. 饿死 ____________________

  3. 对…满足___________________ 4. 导致 ____________________

  5. 纪念 _____________________ 6. 盛装 ____________________

  7. 开玩笑____________________ 8. 期望 ____________________

  9. 好像______________________ 10. 玩得开心 ________________

  11. take place _________________ 12. day and night ______________

  13. a couple of ________________ 14. hold one’s breath ___________

  15. keep one’s word ____________ 16. apologise to sb for sth _______

  17. be meant to _______________ 18. do harm __________________

  19. have one’s origin as _________ 20. set off for _______ __________

  【合作探究】III. 词语辨析

  A)forgive, excuse, pardon




  1Please __________ me for using your telephone without asking for permission. I thought you wouldn’t mind.

  2 She was so kind as to __________ her close friend who had done harm to her when she was in a great difficulty.

  3 The two spies were __________ by the President yesterday.

  B)collect, gather

  gather和collect均可表示“收集”,但collect有区别挑选之意,表示收藏某类物品时多用此词,gather则强调将散乱的东西集中起来。指“聚集” 时两者同义。

  1. One of Tony’s hobbies is __________ rare birds.

  2. Clouds __________ before a thunderstorm came.

  C) think of, think about, think over

  think about指"考虑"、"对......有某种看法",此时它可与think of 换用。但当think of 作为"想起,想到"讲时,of一般不能改为about。think over有"仔细考虑"之意,相当于think about... carefully, 但about是介词,后可直接接宾语。over是副词,所跟宾语是代词时,代词要放在think 和over之间。

  1. I can’t think _________ his name at the moment

  2. Universities may be forced to think again __________ the courses they provide due to the new employment situation.

  3. Why don’t you think it __________ and give me a call in a couple of days?

  D) gain, win, earn




  1. He has __________ a lot of money by working in the evenings.

  2. He ___________ experience while working for the newspaper.

  3. Who do you think will __________ the next election?

  E) mean to do, mean doing

  mean to do sth.“打算干…事”; mean doing sth.“意味着…”.

  1. I meant __________ (give) you this book today, but I forgot.

  2. Missing this train means _________ (wait) for another hour.

  F) lonely, alone


  1. On the island Chuch had to learn to survive all __________.

  2. The old man lives __________, but he never feels __________.

  3. The old man lives a __________ life in that __________ mountain village.

  G) cry, weep 这两个词均指因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等出声地流泪。 weep 书面用词,指小声哭或无声地哭,侧重流泪。而cry则较为强烈,常指大声的哭.

  1. We all __________ in silence for the dead.

  2. We heard her __________ far outside the house.


  A. 单词拼写


  1. The proud man said he would rather s_______(挨饿) than beg for food.

  2. What he said couldn’t s________(满足) his parents, so they kept asking him.

  3. A boy l_______(带领) us to the old man’s house, so we had no trouble in finding him.

  4. He is a famous p________ (诗人)and his poems are popular with the youth.

  5. It is not his custom to d________(淹没) his sadness in wine.

  6. She entered the lab without _____________ (许可).

  7. There is now no ______________ (可能) that she comes to apologise to us.

  8. Do you know when India gained its _______________ (独立) from Britain.

  9. He is the most _________(英俊) man I’ve ever met.

  10. He got a lot of __________ (奖状) for his excellent study.

  1 Don’t look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you know you’ll be dead. 生于忧患,死于安乐.

  2 A dog starving at his master’s gate predicts the ruin of the state. 树死先从叶子黄.

  3 I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom. 宁愿创新,不愿陈腐.

  4 Gather you rosebuds while you may, old time is still a flying, and this same flower that smiles today,tomorrow will be dying. 未雨绸缪.

  5 However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him. 傻瓜总会发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他.6 Belief, then, is the great guide of human life. 信仰是生活的向导.









