





  The legal age fr sing in apan is 20 and as the cuntr' s 570,000 tbacc vending achines ( 自动售货机) prepare fr a ul regulatin requiring the t ensure buers are nt inrs, a cpan has develped a 21 t identif age b studing facial features.

  B having the custer l int a digital caera 22 t the achine, Fuitaa C's sste will 23 facial characteristics, such as wrinles surrunding the ees, bne structure and sin sags (松弛), t the facial data f ver 100,000 peple, Haie aat, a cpan spesan said.

  "With face 24 , s lng as u've gt se change and u are an adult, u can bu cigarettes lie befre. The prble f 25 brrwing (identificatin) cards t purchase cigarettes culd be 26 as well," aat said.

  But due t cncerns abut its accurac, the facial identificatin ethd has et t be 27 .

  aat said the sste culd 28 identif abut 90 percent f the 29 , with the reaining 10 percent sent t a "gre zne" fr inrs that l 30 , and bab-faced adults, where the wuld be ased t their driving license.

  21. A. sste B. achineC. prgra D. nitr

  22. A. added B. attached C. cvered D. devted

  23. A. prefer B. adust C. lead D. cpare

  24. A. features B. structure C. recgnitin D. expressin

  25. A. students B. uths C. adults D. inrs

  26. A. avided B. clarified C. raised D. iprved

  27. A. crrected B. apprved C. updated D. spread

  28. A. cpletel B. crrectl C. specificall D. partl

  29. A. sers B. sellers C. lers-n D. users

  30. A. lder B. unger C. wiser D. nicer


  21. A。从第二段及最后一段第一句可以判断:一家日本公司研制出一套年龄识别体系。

  22. B。attach t 所附的,“附在机器上的数码相机”。其他三个选项不符合语境。

  23. D。cpare ... t ... “系统将面部特征与十万多人的面部数据进行对比”。其他三个选项动词尽管可以和t连用,但不符合语境。

  24. C。features 特征,structure 构造,recgnitin 识别,expressin表情,选项C符合语境。

  25. D。从第一句及最后一句可以判断。inr未成年人,本文首句提到吸烟的合法年龄是20岁,自动售货 机要确保购买者不是未成年人。

  26. A。年龄识别系统可以避免未成年人借用身份证购买香烟的问题。clarif澄清。

  27. B。因涉及到准确性问题,这套面部识别方法还有待批准。

  28. B。该系统能正确识别出约90%的使用者。

  29. D。从第一段t ensure buers are nt inrs判断,该系统识别的是使用自动售货机购买香烟者。故选users。

  30. A。从bab-faced adults可得提示。有10%的长相显老的未成年人和娃娃脸的成年人进入“灰色地带”。

  2. 语法填空



  Fr an ties in the past ears I went t the hspital fr se inr 31 (treat) during  travel in ther cities. It was the 32 (sad) ent f  life, I thin, because nbd wuld ce t the hspital t visit e. 33 patients had fail r friends t visit the during the visiting hurs I felt reall alne. 34 is it pssible that ut f a whle wrld full f peple, 35 wuld ce t visit e fr ust an hur? The answer in  case was siple. With a bit f edicatin (药物治疗), I was bac in the strea f life again. But I 36 (leave) with a deep thught fr all the peple and the elderl. 37 nws hw an thers that lie in the hspital with nbd 38 (visit) the r give a ind wrd f cfrt? I had this wnderful idea f fring 39 rganizatin in cities arund the wrld, getting t hspitals t visit the patients wh never get a visit and sene lcal culd drp 40 with a sile and a ind wrd. Wuldn't it be nice and relativel eas t d?



  32. saddest。本空考查形容词的最高级形式的用法。而且前面有定冠词the提示,根据句子意思应该选择saddest。

  33. Other。考查ther做形容词的用法,此时,ther意为“其他的,另外的”。

  34. Hw。考查疑问词的用法。

  35. nbd。根据上下文,我们可以知道,没有任何人来探望作者本人。

  36. was left。be left with a thught是一个固定的搭配,意为“产生……的一个想法”。

  37. Wh。考查疑问词的用法。这句话是个特殊疑问句,根据句子意思可知需要选wh。

  38. t visit。考查with的复合结构。

  39. an。本空填入一个不定冠词表示泛指。

  40. in / b / rund。本空考查短语drp in / b / rund的用法,其意思为:顺便访问,顺便进入。




  Health relatinships are fun and ae u feel gd abut urself. The relatinships that u ae in ur teenage ears will be a special pan f ur life. The will teach u se f the st iprtant lessns abut wh u are. This a help u understand different inds f relatinships, what aes each relatinship special, and hw t cunicate in a psitive wa.

  What aes a relatinship health?

  Cunicatin and Sharing: The st iprtant part f an health relatinship between tw peple is being able t tal and listen t each ther. u and the ther persn can find ut what ur cn interests are. u can share ur feelings with the ther persn and trust that he r she will be there t listen t u and supprt u. In health relatinships, peple dn't lie. Cunicatin is based n hnest and trust. B listening carefull and sharing ur thughts and feelings with ther peple, u shw the that the pla an iprtant part in ur life.

  Respect and Trust: In health relatinships, u learn t respect and trust iprtant peple in ur life. Disagreeents a still happen, but u learn t sta cal and tal abut hw u feel. Taling call helps u t understand the real reasn fr nt getting alng. It aes it uch easier t figure ut hw t fix it. In health relatinships, wring thrugh disagreeents ften aes the relatinship strnger. In health relatinships, peple respect each ther fr wh the are. This includes respecting and listening t urself and ur feelings s u can set bundaries and feel cfrtable. u will fred that u learn t understand experiences and feelings f thers as well as having the understand ur experiences and feelings.

  Hw d I nw that I have a health relatinship with sene?

  u nw that u are in a health relatinship with sene because u feel gd abut urself when u are arund that persn. Unhealth relatinships can ae u feel sad, angr, scared, r wrried.

  Health peer relatinships invlve an equal aunt f giving and taing in the relatinship. In unhealth relatinships, there is an unfair balance. u a ften feel that u are giving the ther persn re attentin than that he r she gives t u.

  u shuld feel safe arund the ther persn and feel that u can trust hi r her with ur secrets. In a health relatinship, u lie t spend tie with the ther persn, instead f feeling that u have t spend tie with hi r her.

  41. The lessns u learn abut the relatinships in ur teenage ears a help u understand the fllwing EXCEPT _________.

  A. different inds f relatinships

  B. different inds f peple and ccasins

  C. hw t cunicate in a psitive wa

  D. what aes each relatinship special

  42. T have a health relatinship, u shuldn't _________.

  A. tal and listen t each ther

  B. have cn interests

  C. disagree and quarrel with each ther

  D. tae as uch as u give

  43. When disagreeents happen, u learn t sta cal because __________.

  A. taling call helps u t understand the real reasn fr nt getting alng

  B. taling call aes it uch easier t figure ut hw t fix the

  C. wring thrugh disagreeents ften aes the relatinship strnger

  D. all f the abve

  44. Which f the fllwing relatinships is health?

  A. u feel upset when u are arund sene.

  B. u lie t tal t sene and listen t hi r her.

  C. Giving withut taing.

  D. u feel that u have t spend tie with hi r her.

  45. The passage iplies that __________.

  A. it's eas t establish a gd relatinship with sene

  B. u dn't need t give anthing t ae relatinships health

  C. health relatinships need ne, tie, energ and care

  D. utual respect and trust lead t strng relatinships






