



  Hi, I a ane. I lie the b naed The Str f M Life b Helen eller, which is the st influential b in  life. It is filled with curage, struggle and faith thrughut. Helen eller was nce in deep despair in her childhd, but finall she decided t verce her phsical defects and live happil. Furtherre, she shwed great patience in her lng and hard learning perid. I have learned, abve all, three lessns fr her str. First, she taught e that ften the rad t success is t face hardships bravel. Mabe u are brn under a star et u can stand a better chance than thers. It is therefre iprtant that u screw up ur curage when curage is needed. Secnd, the destructin f part f her senses did nt prevent her fr learning: n the cntrar, she had ade cntinual effrts t g deeper int the real f nwledge, and her perseverance had thus helped her verce an handicaps. Third, she advised that we shuld ae the st f ur sense-rgans as if we wuld lse the sn because in this wa we wuld bserve the wrld re carefull than ever befre.

  The b is inspiring in that it is ne briing ver with the unbending will f a gallant wan set with seeingl insuruntable (ad.不可克服的) difficulties. I hpe I can be as curageus as she.


  你的英语老师在上英语口语课时,要求同学们每人就“影响我一生的一本书”的话题进行讨论,你参加讨论。听完ane的发言之后,请你以“The Mst Influential B in M Life”为题,准备一份发言稿。内容包括以下内容:



  1)这本书令你印象最深的是什么? 2)这本书如何影响你的人生? 3)你的感想。






  1.写作有可能用到的主要短语和单词:印象ipressin,影响affect/have influence n sth./have an effect n sth.

  2.本文的概要必须包含以下要点:I lie the b naed The Str f M Life b Helen eller,

  which is the st influential b in  life./The b is inspiring.../It is filled with curage, struggle and faith thrughut./I hpe I can be as curageus as she.






  The Mst Influential B in M Life

  ane gives us the utline f the b, The Str f M Life b Helen eller. The b is filled with curage, struggle and faith thrughut, which affects ane's life st influentiall, and she expects herself t be curageus as Helen eller.

  Bs reall have gd r bad influence n ne's grwth. T e, the b naed Mne ing b Wu Chengen is the st influential b in  life. The Mne ing, Sun Wung, had a bitter experience f helping his aster verce a great an difficulties in rder t get gd results. In fact, Failure is a cn thing in life. But there are different attitudes twards failure. ears ag, I had a bad attitude twards  failure. Hwever, I have had a gd attitude twards failure since I read the b. Nw, I dn't ind failure because it isn't indeed a bad atter, which tells us hw t apprach ur gal. Whenever I a faced with great difficulties, I never sa easil, "I will give up!"

  Gd bs are bth iprtant and beneficial t the character develpent and persnal grwth f the ung peple. This is what I have gt fr  experience.









