

  Improve the students’ reading ability - guessing words, searching for information.

  Learn the information about Canada.

  Master the expressions for describing directions and locations.

  Teaching important points 教学重点及难点

  a. Find the answers to the questions in post-reading.

  Learn the methods of writing a traveling report about.

  b. Understand the use of noun clause - appositive clause.

  Learn to read the traveling report according to the traveling route.

  Teaching methods 教学方法

  1. Skimming and scanning;

  2. Asking-and-answering activities;

  3. Listening method.

  Teaching aids 教具准备

  A computer, a projector and a tape recorder.

  Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

  Step 1 Revision

  Check the students’ homework.

  T: Before we come to the new lesson, let’s check your homework.

  The teacher checks the assignment of the last class.

  Step 2 Lead-in and Warming Up

  Show the students the maple flag and ask them some questions.

  T: Do you know which country uses this national flag?

  Ss: Canada.

  T: Which continent is Canada in?

  Ss: It is in North America.

  T: How large is it?

  Ss: I only know it is the second largest country in the world. I don’t know the exact number.

  T: Canada occupies an area of 9, 978, 4670 square kilometers. It is a bit bigger than China. Which country is its neighbor?

  Ss: The United States.

  (The teacher shows a map of Canada to the students.)

  T: Right. The United State is its neighbor. Canada is a beautiful country.

  Step 3 Pre-reading

  T: Now I want to ask you a question. Do you like traveling?

  Ss: Yes, we like traveling very much. (No, I don’t like traveling. It is tiring.)

  T: I know most of us like traveling. Have you ever been abroad?

  Ss: No / Yes.

  T: Few of us have ever been abroad. Then what is the longest trip you have ever taken?

  Sa: Beijing (Shanghai / Hainan / Harbin).

  Sb: I have never been out of my hometown.

  T: If you get a chance to go abroad, which three countries would you like to visit most? Why?

  Sc: I would like to go to French, Australia and Ireland. I think French is full of romantics and there are many beautiful buildings. Australia is famous for its beautiful scenery and people are very friendly. Ireland is also beautiful. I want to walk along the roads of the countryside.

  Sd: I think I will travel in china first, because China is my motherland and she is very beautiful. I would also like to go to Canada so that I can see the large and beautiful lakes, and there’s the wonderful snow scenery. I also feel like paying a visit to Australia because there are many sheep and rare animals there.

  T: Very good. We love our motherland, but if we want to make our country more beautiful and more developed, we should know more about the other countries. Here are two questions. You may ask your partner for answers and give your answers to him/her.

  Show the questions on the screen or on the blackboard.

  If you take a trip to Canada, what do you expect to see?

  What three words would you use to describe Canada?

  The teacher can ask some pairs to tell their ideas in class.

  T: Who’d like to tell us your opinions?

  Sa: I want to see the mountains and the forests. Canada is beautiful, wide and people are friendly.

  Sb: I want to see the big snow and polar bears, three words large, clean and mysterious.

  T: Are they right? You can find the answers in the text. Li Daiyu and Liu Qian will take us to visit Canada. Please turn to Page34, read “A Trip on the True North”.

  Step 4 Fast reading

  Get the students read the passage quickly and carefully. Meanwhile, help the students form a good habit of reading. T: Do you feel puzzled when you read the title? What is “the True North”? Now, read the passage and get the general idea of the passage. Underline the main places mentioned in the text.

  Give the Ss five minutes for reading.

  Five minutes later.

  T: Time is up. Have you finished?

  Ss: Yes, we have.

  T: The first question is what the passage is mainly about?

  Sa: The passage is about a trip of two girls, and it tells us some information about Canada.

  T: Right. It mainly tells us the information about Canada. What are the main places mentioned in the text?

  Sb: They are the Atlantic coast, Vancouver, Rocky Mountains, Calgary, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior and Toronto.

  T: Look at the map on Page33. Draw the traveling route of the two girls on the map.

  Give the students one minute to draw the route.

  T: You did a good job. Do you have any difficulty in reading? Let’s look at the difficult points together.

  The teacher explains some important or difficult points to the students.

  Step 5 Reading aloud

  Let the students read the passage again and find the details from the passage.

  T: Now you read the questions on Page35 first, and then read the text aloud to find the answers to the questions. After a while, answer the questions in complete sentences without looking at your books.

  Give the students a few minutes to read and find answers. Then ask some students to give their answers.

  Suggested answers:

  1. Which continent are the cousins crossing?

  They are crossing North American.

  2. Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast?

  They are not flying directly to the Atlantic Coast because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada./ They want to see Canada./ They want to travel across Canada.

  3. What is “The True North”?

  “The True North” is the train that runs through Canada.

  4. Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly?

  The population of Vancouver growing so rapidly because it is beautiful.

  5. What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

  At the Calgary Stampede cowboys compete in riding wild horses for thousands of dollars.

  6. How are ocean ships able to reach the centre of Canada?

  Ships are able to reach the centre of Canada because they can follow the St Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.

  7. What are some of Canada’s greatest natural resources?

  Canada has water from its lakes and rivers and wood from its forests.

  Step 6 Homework  1. Remember the underlined sentences.

  2. Write a short passage to report what Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw in Canada.

  Period two Extensive reading

  Teaching goals教学目标

  1. Target language 目标语言

  a. 重点词汇与短语

  figure, figure out, terrify, official, maple, frost, wealthy, tour, distance, flow, booth, downtown, as far as, dawn, broad

  b. 重点句子

  1. They were not leaving for Montreal until later...

  2. It’s too bad you can’t go as far as Ottawa Canada’s capital.

  3. It’s about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto, so it would take too long.

  4. As they sat in a café looking over the broad St. Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.

  5. In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.

  6. I stay as far away from polar bears as possible.

  2. Ability goal能力目标

  Enable the students to know more information about cities: Toronto, Montreal and Iqaluit.

  3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

  Teach the students how to describe a city with the target language and functional sentences.

  Teaching important points教学重点

  Find the correct information about cities of Canada according to the questions.

  Teaching difficult points 教学难点

  How to write the traveling report.

  Teaching methods 教学方法

  a. Skimming method;

  b Scanning;

  c.Task-based approach listening.

  Teaching aids 教具准备

  A record, a projector and a computer.

  Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

  Answer the questions about the passage.

  1. How do we know it is fall in Canada?

  We know it is fall in Canada because the maple trees are red and gold and oranges, and there is frost on the ground.

  2. What can sometimes be seen from the CN Tower in Toronto?

  Sometimes the misty cloud that rises from Niagara Falls can be seen from the CN Tower.

  3. Where does the water from the lake go?

  The water from the lake goes into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea.

  4.Which direction is the train going from Toronto?

  The train is going east ( northeast ) from Toronto.

  5. What three things show us that Montreal is a French city?

  Good coffee, good bread and good music show that Montreal is a French city. Also the signs and ads were in French.





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