



  一、 题材内容


  二、 教学目标

  1) 语言知识:

  语音 句子中的重音

  词汇 abandoned cassette circus colorful desert diamond expert farm fields helicopter law tram shoot kindergarten product recently scenery supply

  词组 in the central part of, a long-distance train, dark red, until the 1920s, on the coast of, out of date, a dining car, comic books, for the first time, feel nervous, a speed of

  语法 -ed形式作形容词;表达过去时间的词语或词组

  功能 礼貌用语

  话题 介绍旅游经历;介绍童年故事

  2) 语言技能:

  听 听懂对事件的回忆、旅游介绍并获取信息

  说 礼貌地进行Everyday English中的'对话;运用过去时间回忆;运用含有-ed句子介绍风光

  读 Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练

  写 用所学的词汇、词组、及含-ed的句子写介绍旅游情况的文章和各种回忆

  3) 学习策略:


  认知 联系,归纳,推测,速读,略读,查读等技能

  调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改

  交际 积极、有效同时礼貌地进行对话

  资源 积极有效阅读从网上及各种媒体所获取的有关旅游及介绍各地风光的信息

  4) 文化意识:了解我国现代化建设的最新成就;了解我国及各地不同的旅游文化

  5) 情感态度:热爱祖国河山;为祖国建设感动自豪;倡导文明礼貌

  三、 教学重点和难点

  重点:1. 如何使用地道英语描述风光、事件或回忆

  2. 正确理解并应用-ed形容词

  3. 如何礼貌进行日常对话

  难点: 能用得体的英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历

  四、 教学方法


  五、 教材处理


  Pre-task: 学生回忆往事,激活背景知识,重温情感体验

  Task-cycle: 通过整个模块听说读写的训练,强化“描述风光或一件难忘的事”的表达及语篇能力,为完成任务做好铺垫

  Post-task: 达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况。

  六、 教学安排


  Period 1: Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)

  Period 2: Reading

  Period 3: Grammar 1&2, Function, Culture Corner

  Period 4: Vocabulary, reading and speaking

  Period 5: Listening, pronunciation, Everyday English

  Period 6: Task, writing



  Ss=students; T=teacher; =group work; = pair work; =individual work =screen

  Period 1 Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)






  Task 1: Describe a trip ( 15m) – Introducton

  Pre-task Brainstorming

  Try to bring out as many words about transportation as possible.

  Task-cycle Learn different verbs and nouns about traveling.

  Activity 1 Matching ( 1 )

  Activity 2 Put me in the right place!

  A: Draw a picture with road, rails, water and clouds on the blackboard. Put

  different vehicles in the right position on the picture.

  B: Ask and answer Qs in (2) according the picture.

  Activity 3 Filling & Guessing game

  get on (off)

  get into (out of)



  take off/ride


  B: Show pictures taken in Hainan. Q: How did I get there? (different answers should be encouraged)

  Post-task: Describe the first time you traveled a long distance

  A: Q: When someone want to describe his first trip, what do you want to know?

  5W & 1H ( who, when, where, what, why & how )

  B: Describe the first trip Report to all

  Task 2: Describe Australia ( 25m )-Reading & vocabulary

  Pre-task: Search information about Australia before class

  Task-cycle: Australia

  Activity 1 Brain-storming (words about Australia)

  Activity 2 Talking ( 1 )

  A: Talk about the pictures on P22 + things about the country brought by Ss

  B: Get questions in (1) solved

  C: Dialogue between “Australians” and “tourists” Report to all

  Activity 3 Vocabulary ( Part )

  A: Choose the words which you think can be used to describe a train trip to Australia from the list shown on the screen (a dictionary is recommended)

  B: Match the words with pictures (camels, cassette, desert, diamonds, sand, soil)

  C: Choose a word in the blanket to match the underlined part in a passage (2)

  Not long ago, I had a wonderful trip to Hainan. It’s not an area of dry land, because it’s surrounded by sea. There you can always enjoy the beautiful sunshine, green trees and blue water. On the beaches, you can’t find any valuable stones, but you can always touch the soft sand instead. On my way back, I made friends with some of the people traveling on the train.

上一篇:外研版高中英语必修1知识点课件:consist of下一篇:仁爱版八年级下册英语课件