

  a wealth of examples许多例子 a wealth of oil丰富的石油 appoint vt.

  1. 任命,指派[O9][O2][(+as/to)] They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。

  He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York. 他任命威廉斯作为他在约克市的代理人。 He was appointed chairperson of the committee; 他被任命为委员会主席

  We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。 2. 约定,指定;安排

  Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。

  They will appoint a date for the examination. 他们将指定考试日期

  to appoint a time for the meeting 指定开会时间

  They appointed a place to exchange stamps. 他们约定一个地方交换邮票。 n. appointment

  1. (尤指正式的)约会[C][(+with)][+to-v]

  I have an appointment with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。 2. (会面的)约定[U]

  3. 任命,委派[U][(+as/of)]

  The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper. 报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。 Calculate vt. vi. 1.计算

  Has Edward calculated the result? 爱得华算出结果了吗?

  Our price has already been closely calculated. There is no room for reduction. 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步余地。

  The scientists are able to calculate accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.

  科学家能准确地计算出太空船什么时候抵达月球。 2.估计;推算

  They calculated the cost of a journey 他们估算了旅游所需费用

  I calculate that Aunt Lena will arrive at 8.00 p.m. 我估计李娜阿姨将于下午八点到达。 I calculate you'll get there in time. 我认为你们赶到那儿. Expense n. adj.expensive 1. 费用;价钱;支出;消耗[S]

  I don't think we can afford the expense. 我认为我们负担不了这个费用。 A motorcycle can be a great expense. 买一辆摩托车可能要花很多钱。 The expenses added up to $50. 费用加起来共计五十美元。 2. 开支;经费[P]

  He said the office expenses were too big. 他认为办公室的花费太大了。

  What are the expenses of moving house? 搬家的花销是多少?

  3.代价 spare no expense不惜代价

  We must spare no expense to save his life.


  look out for 警惕,留心;寻找

  1.watch out for;keep a watch for 密切注意;提防

  When you're eating fish,look out for the bones.吃鱼的时候,当心鱼刺。 You must look out for catching cold.你得小心,不要感冒了。 2.seek if one can find寻找

  Will you go to the station and look out for your uncle?你去火车站找你叔叔吗?

  We have been looking out for a new house, but the ones we've seen have all been too expensive.我们一直在找一所新房子,但是我们看的几所房子都要价太高。

  Investors look out for better returns 投资者寻求好的回报 3. take care of照顾;照看

  You needn't worry about me, I can look out for myself.你不用替我担心,我会照顾自己的。

  on a large scale 大规模地

  They are preparing for war on a large scale. 他们正在大规模地备战。 * involve vt.

  1. 使卷入,连累;牵涉[(+in/with)]

  That's no concern of mine. I'm not involved. 那与我无关,我未卷入。

  Don't involve me in your quarrel! 不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! 2.包括,涉及

  All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的.孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。 This lesson involves a lot of work. 这一课需要做的工作有很多。 enterprise n.

  1. (有一定冒险性的)事业[C] 2. 冒险精神;进取心,事业心[U] Tom is a man of great enterprise. 汤姆很有进取精神。 3. 企业,公司[C]

  This enterprise is doing a good business. 这家企业生意兴隆。


  1.殖民;移民, 定居,殖民地

  The settlement of Africa by white people started 500 years ago.由白人进行的向非洲移民开始于500年前。

  The British Empire had many settlements. 大英帝国有许多殖民地

  2. 解决 They are looking for a good settlement.寻找好的解决办法 accumulate vt. -lated, -lating,accumulation 累积,积聚;积攒

  They accumulated a huge mass of data. 他们积累了大量的资料。 He accumulated a good library. 积累了丰富的藏书。 vi.


  Dust had accumulated during her absence. 她不在时灰尘积了起来。-lated, -lating abandon vt. -ed 1. 丢弃;抛弃,遗弃

  The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。

  The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side. 人们发现那辆损坏的自行车被扔在河边。 abandon one's home 离弃家园

  He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money. 他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。 2. 放弃,中止

  He finally abandoned his reformist ideas. 他终于放弃了自己的改良主义思想。 year by year 年年

  The university gets bigger, year by year. 这所大学每年都在扩大。 year after year年复一年

  Tens of thousands of men, year after year, have travelled southwards to find work.


  pass away 1. 停止;消逝

  As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away. 太阳一出来,雾就会消失。 2. (委婉语)去世

  Grandpa passed away last night at midnight. 祖父昨晚子时过世。

  The old man passed away peacefully. 老人安详地去世了。 3. (时间)过去;消磨(时间)

  Ten days passed away and still there was no news about them. 十天过去了,但仍然没有他们的消息。 tone n.

  1. 音,音色,音调[C]

  The teacher is speaking in a high tone. 教师正在大声说话。 2. 腔调,语气[C]

  He spoke in a tone of command. 他用命令的口吻说话。 3. 声调,语调[C]

  Mandarin Chinese has four tones. 汉语有四声。 reward vt.

  1. 报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励[(+with/for)][O1] Winners will be rewarded a trip to England. 优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏。 How can I reward your kindness? 我如何酬谢你的好意呢? n.

  1. 报答;报偿;奖赏;报应[U][C]

  It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work. 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。 2. 酬金;赏金;奖品[C][(+for)]
