

  Sj:The object in it is“to go abroad”.

  T:Right.And we’ve learnt that some verb~can only be followed by infinitives.Can you say more verbs like this?

  Sk:Agree,ask,choose,demand,expect,hope,manage,offer,plan,promise, pretend,refuse,wish,fail,afford,determine,and so on.

  T:(Write the verbs on the Bb.)Very good.Please sit down.We’ve learnt some verbs that can be followed by either a v-ing form or an infinitive.But some of them have the same meaning when they take a v-ing form or an infinitive.Who can give some examples? Sl:Continue,like,love,begin,start,bear,attempt,hate and so on.

  T:(Write the words on the Bb.)Good.And some of them have different meanings when they take a v-ing form or an infinitive.What are they?

  Sm:Forget,remember,regret,try, stop, need,mean and so on.

  T:(Write the verbs on the Bb.)Now,look at the last sentence. What’s the object in it? Step Ill Consolidation

  T:Good.Today we’ve reviewed The Object.Now,let’s do some exercises to master it better.Look at the screen.please.you can have a discussion with your partner or discuss them in groups of four.When you all finish them.we’11 check the answers. (Show the following on the screen.)

  I.Fill in each blank using the correct verb form. 1.Xiao Li is used to ____(do)the work.

  2.Scientists have found ways to prevent air from ______ (pollute). 3.Missing the bus means_______ (walk) home.

  4.He forgot ______ (hand) the manager his business card so he handed him another one.

  5.Tom’s parents don’t allow Tom _______ (go)swimming.

  6.I can’t help ________ (paint)the wall, for I’ve got a lot of work to do. 7.She failed ________(buy)a film ticket.

  8.I don’t think it easy for_______ (answer)the question. 9.Betty didn’t expect him ______ (treat)like that. 10.I can’t but ______ (ask) _______ (give)another chance. Suggested answers:

  1.doing 2.being polluted 3.walking 4.handing/having handed 5.to go 6.(to)paint 7.to buy 8.to answer 9.to be treated 10.ask;to be given II.Choose the best answer for each blank.

  1.I found________ necessary for a middle school student to master at least a foreign language.

  A.that B.very C. it D. no

  2.They felt it a pity__________ us in time.

  A.it not B.not

  C.not being D.are

  3.I think it better________ the truth.

  A.you should tell高二英语unit4教案B. for you to tell

  C.of you to tell D.you

  4.She asked ________ a room.


  B.to be given


  5.He went to the ball without __________


  B.being invited


  6.No one likes________ at in public


  B.being laughed


  7.This factory is quite different from _________before.

  A.what it was B.that it was

  C.which it was D.what it was

  8.I’1l give this book to________ wants to have it.



  C.no matter whom


  Suggested answers:

  1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5. B 7. A 8.B

  Step IV Test

  T:Now let’s have a test. (show the screen.)Complete the following sentences using your own words. Do it all by yourselves and then check your answers in groups of four. Please look at the screen.

  Complete the following sentences using your own words.

  1.I don’t know.

  2.I think.

  3. Please tell.

  4. I remember..

  5. Thank you..

  6.These doors and windows.

  7.We should.

  8.I don’t think.

  9.Please remember.

  10.Please try.

  Suggested answers:

  1.I don’t know where the teacher is.

  2.I think it important that we should take part in the discussion.

  3.Please tell him not to be 1ate again.

  4.I remember giving (having given)him the book yesterday.

  5.Thank you for helping me.

  6.These doors and windows need painting.

  7.We should keep it in mind that our country is a developing one.

  8.I don’t think that that shop assistant is honest.

  9.Please remember to bring me the dictionary next time.

  10.Please try reading the new words again.

  Step V Summary and Homework

  T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the object and done some exercises to consolidate

  it.After class you should do more practice to master it better.That’s all for today.See you!

  Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

  Unit 4 Gteen worlds

  The Fifth Period

  Grammar:The object


  give,lend,bring,fetch take,pass,send;ask,write,tell,show,teach,make, buy v.+v-ing


  v.+to do.

  Agree, ask, choose, hope, demand, expect, manage, offer, plan, promise, pretend。refuse,wish,fail,afford,determine.

  v-ing/to do

  The same meaning:


  Different meanings:

  forget.remember,regret.try,stop,need,mean,want StepⅦ Record after Teaching









