



  (1)describe peple’s ls (2)rder fd

  (3)give pinins (4)tal abut rules



  Step 1 预习导学


  Step 2 情景导入


  Step3 自主探究: 做1a—3练习题

  Step4 合作交流




  Step6 小结回扣




  Step 7达标检测

  (一) 单项选择

  ( )1. She _________ ediu height ____________ curl hair.

  A. has, has B. is, has C. has, withD. is, with

  ( )2. There ____________a ban and tw pa phnes near here.

  A. hasB. have C. are D. is

  ( )3. M ther ____at seven ever da, but this rning she ___ at seven ten

  A.gets up, gt up B.is getting up, gt up C.gets up, gets up D. is, was

  ( )4.Our schl wants a P.E teacher sccer and tennis

  A. teach B. t teach C.teaching D.teaches

  ( )5. M aunt wrs _____________ a agazine _____________ a reprter.

  A. as, frB. fr, as C. with, frD. fr, with

  ( )6. The bad weather ade hi ver .

  A. feels, happ B. feel, sad C. t feel, bring. D. feel ,happ

  ( )7.A__ schl b, Li Lida, first tried t crss Qingzhu Channel(琼洲海峡) in une,2000.

  A. 13-ear-ld B. 13 ears lder C. 13- ear ld D.13 ears ld

  ( )8. -- Wh cleaned the classr this rning? -- Li Hng _____.

  A. des B. wasC. did D. had

  ( )9. Hw abut _________ ut fr a wal?

  A. t gB. gingC . g D. ges

  ( )10.____ late . It’s ur first da t wr.

  A. Dn’t t be B. Dn’t be C. Dn’t D. N


  1.We had a wnderful dinner at this restaurant. The fd was d______.?

  2.It rains a lt here. It's alwas rain and h______.?

  3.I had a ver gd suer v______ in Shanghai with  parents.?

  4.The apples in this superaret were i______.The were cheap.?

  5.After a schl ter's hard wr, we went t the beach fr a r______ hlida.?



  Basetball is a ver ppular g 1 in Aerica. Peple and children all 1 2 it. Mst peple can p 3 it. A basetball is a r 4 and big ball. It’s bigger and heavier than a f5______. It’s the biggest f all the balls. There are f 6 plaers in each tea. Basetball is quite ppular in China, t7 . Children ften t8 a basetball t schl and pla it a 9 schl. In China, se girls can pla basetball b10 than bs.



  Unit 1

  Sectin A


  1. ce/be fr 2. pen pal 3. d sprts 4. spea English

  5. write t sb 6. live in 7. a little French 8. t difficult

  9. g t a vie 10. lie ding sth.



  1.lives 2.language 3.fr 4.favrite 5.cuntr

  6.Aerica 7.apanese 8.vie 9.interesting



  1—5. CDCDA


  1—5BACD 6—10. CBBAC

  四1—6 EDBCFA



  1. ce fr 2. spea French 3. his favrite subiect 4. a little apanese 5.n weeend 6 .英国 7.美国 8.谈论自己 9.在澳大利亚 10.纽约


  1-5 C D C D B 6-10 C B B D B 11-15 A A B A B


  1. des, ce 2. Which cit, in 3. des , she, best 4. What language s

  四、1 in 2 cuntr 3 ears 4 in 5 spea 6 little 7 ging 8 with 9 plaing 10 favrite 11 difficult 12 t


  Dear friend,

  M nae is Paul acsn. Paul is  first nae.acs is  last nae.I’ 13 ears ld.

  I’ fr China. I spea Chinese. M favrite sprt is basetball. I lie plaing basetball at schl.It’s fun.M favrite subect is English.M English teacher is ver gd.M fail is ver big. I lve the ver uch.

  Please write and tell e abut urself.

  Unit 2

  Sectin A

  导入部分答案B, D, A, B


  一、单项选择D, C, B, C, D, A, B

  二、填介词1 behind 2 in frnt f 3 between 4 acrss fr 5 n


  a. Is there a pa phne next t the librar?

  b. There is a vide arcade between the superaret and the pst ffice.

  c. It’s dwn Green Street n the left.

  d. Are there an beautiful pars near where u live?

  e. Acrss fr the street is an interesting garden.


  一、句子1.next t 2.Turn left 3.There is,in 4. acrss fr 5. This,beginning

  二、词汇6-10.quiet,place.behind,visit,between 11-15.ld,bus,restraurant,sixth,clean.

  三、短文 1. t 2. fr 3. n 4. dwn 5. thrugh

  6. turn 7. at 8. dwn 9. left 10. hpe

  Unit 3

  Sectin A

  一、1.D 2.A3 4 A 5. A 6. C

  二、Sunda, want, Because, panda, new, China, beautiful, pla with, sh, quiet

  三、1.ind f 2. pla with, ver scar 3.Wh, lie dlphins, Because, interesting 4. all inds f

  Sectin B

  一1. Elephant 2. Welce 3. giraffe 4. clever 5. quiet


  Unit 4

  Sectin A

  (一)1-7C B A C B AA

  (二) 1、wrs 2. waitress 3. dctr 4. students 5. reprter


  Sectin B

  I1.reprter 2.Thieves 3.late 4.pliceen 5.e 6. des, d 7. t wr 8. plaing 9. singing 10. Is 11. watching 12. see




  Sectin A

  Ⅰ.1-5.BBDCD 6-10.DBABC

  Ⅱ.1.is standing 2.are eating 3.is taing 4.isn't sleeping

  5.g 6.have 7.isn't singing 8.Are;waiting 9.is putting 10.sating

  Ⅲ.1.Is;reading 2.is cleaning;nw 3.What are;ding

  4.N;aren't 5.Are;waiting;r

  Ⅳ.1.are;ding;ding their hewr

  2.writing t

  3.Is;watching TV;plaing with

  4.is;waiting fr

  5.taling abut

  Ⅴ.1.She is in the librar.

  2.It's raining.

  3.She is feeling hesic.

  4.Mst f the students are studing.A few students are sleeping r taling t their friends but st f the are bus.

  5.es,she has.

  Ⅵ.E A B D C

  Sectin B

  Ⅰ.1.caera 2. pl 3. waiting 4.librar 5. bird

  Ⅱ.1.is studing 2. What are; ding 3.Hw an libraries 4. dn’t want

  5. N, he isn’t

  Ⅲ.1-5 ACBAC 6-8 CCA


  Sectin A

  <一> 1.sunn 2.taing 3.ins 4.wind 5.usician 6.interesting


  <三> 1.rain 2.sun;sunn 3.cluds;clud 4.rains 5.wind

  6.is;ding 7.gaes 8.watching 9.ining 10.ling

  <四>1.a nt plaing 2.Are the 3.Hw 4 . What ;ding 5.is nt 6. Hw is 7. What; weather; is snwing <五> CBBCACB

  Sectin B

  I. 1. ining 2. taing 3. plaing 4. clud/cld 5. rain /raining

  II. 1. an, peple, n, vacatin 2. waling, street, a, sunn

  3.ding, raining, reading, b 4. se, singing, thers, riding

  5. surprised;in this heat

  Ⅲ.1-5 CCADC


  Ⅰ. 1-5 BAACB 6-10 CADAA

  Ⅱ.1 . en 2 . their 3 . sitting 4.getting 5 . buses 6 . read

  Ⅲ. 1.is studing 2.is fr Australia 3.Let’s nt see 4. Because the are 5. What size ; d ;lie

  Ⅳ.1.are taling 2.ae 3. want t rder 4. t read 5. d

  Unit 7

  Sectin A

  一、1.straight 2.thin 3. captain 4. ppular 5. never

  二、1.A 2 3 4.D 5.B

  三、1.l lie 2.the captain 3.a little bit 4.stps taling

  四、M sister

  M sister is Mar . She is thin .She is f ediu height .She has shrt straight blac hair .She’s gd-ling but she’s a little bit quiet .

  Sectin B

  一、1. C 2. D3.D 4.B 5.A

  二、1.What ;des 2.Des; have 3.are;reading 4.desn’t ;have 5. never wears

  三、1.with 2.curl 3.l 4. wear 5.des

  Unit 8

  Sectin A

  一、1.size 2.large 3.hungr 4.inds

  二、1-5CDCDB 6-9CCAA

  三、1.lie、large bwl f 2. lie、ediu bwls f

  3.size 、f、lie 4.wuld、 tat、 beef


  Sectin B

  一、1-5 C C C B B 6-10 C B D A C 11-15 BADAD

  二、1.rder,vie ticets 2.wuld u lie 3.spell ndle 4.e-ail in,inutes

  三、1.have 2. cabbage 3. uice 4. sup 5. duplings

  Unit 9

  Sectin A

  一、1.practice 2.visited 3.reading 4.untain 5.test

  二、1.have a part 2. went t the beach 3. practices English

  4.sta at he 5. studing fr the test

  (三)1.A 2 3.B 4.B 5

  (四)1. Hw was 2. visited last weeend 3.didn’t d 4.Did watch clean

  Sectin B

  一、1.Gegraph 2.wrte 3.esterda 4.tal 5.iddle

  二、1. spend2. saw3. shpping 4.cs 5.practice 6.visited 7.wrte

  三、1.B 2.D 3 4.B 5.B

  四、1. Fr st ids 2. went fr a wal 3.is tie t practice 4.d anthing 5.Hw was studied

  Unit 10

  Sectin A



  1. unfriendl 2. rain 3. caping 4. useu 5. exa


  1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A5.B 6


  1. Hw was ur vacatin?

  2. Where did u g?

  3. but

  4. What did u d?

  5. hw was the weather?

  (四)Cit,n,big ,then,under,pla,bu, Brwn’s,bed

  Sectin B


  1. crwded 2. feel 3. delicius 4. expensive 5. decided


  1.D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A


  1.Where did, n vacatin

  2. was nt crwded

  3. have, plaing

  4. wals he

  5. decided, her get up

  (四)was,shpping,didn’t watch,had,did d,saw,is watching,tells,is swiing,plaed,lived,did d

  Unit 11

  Sectin A

  一、1-5 B A C A C

  二、1.peras ,stand 2.shwed 3.thin 4.agazine 5.cl

  三、1-5 E C A D B

  Sectin B

  (一)1.ind 2.Nthing 3.agree 4.stand 5.culture

  (二)1-5 CBDCC

  (三)1.abut 2.shwed 3.ased 4.were 5.are

  6. stand 7.fr 8.ind 9.als 10.clest

  Unit 12

  Sectin A

  (一)1.utside 2.hallwas 3.rules 4.unifrs 5.fight

  (二)1-5 BABBD

  (三)1.rules 2.n 3.after 4. fr 5.reading 6.b 7.earl 8. ins 9.pratice 10.luc

  Sectin B



  (二)1.listen 2.arrive 3.ludl 4.never 5.wn

  (三)1.rules 2.have 3.speaing 4.wal 5.On

  6.b 7.ae 8.wash 9.pian 10 never



  (二)1.delicius 2.ht 3.vacatin 4.inexpensive 5.relaxing

  (三)1.gae 2.lie 3.pla 4.rund 5.ftball

  6.five 7.t 8.tae 9.after 10.better



2.新目标七年级下册英语Unit 2 Sunshine Town课件






