

  3. pair work

  ⑴T: Don't you think it's a beautiful song? I think so. It reminds me think of my own father. He has done so much for me. I used to be a shy person when I was a middle school student. I didn't use to dare to speak in front of class or facing a crowed of people. My father encouraged me to believe in myself. And now I'm outgoing. I'm grateful to my father, he is so patient and helpful. I'm sure your parents are the same. Would you like to share the stories you parents help you solve problems with your partner and then make notes on the context?

  ⑵ ask some volunteers to tell class his own or partner's stories.


  a. 通过交流父母在孩子成长过程中对孩子的帮助的故事,使学生体会到父母对自己的恩情,对自己的爱;

  b. 使学生再一次创造性地灵活运用目标语言USED TO,谈论过去的经历,延续和深化本单元的话题,提高口语能力,并为下一任务阅读做好准备。

  Step 2 While reading

  1. Introduce the title of the passage- He used to cause a lot of trouble

  T: Your stories really moved me, Today we'll read a connected story,

  “He used to caused to cause a lot of trouble”, according to the title, what might be talked about in this passage? Would you might to make a list? Please pay attention to the word used to.

  The students may give such answers:

  What troubles he used to cause

  The reason he used to cause so much trouble

  What made him change

  He is now a good person.


  通过让学生在不预习课文的情况下根据文章标题猜测文章内容旨在培养其预测文章大意的能力,并通过下一阶段的阅读来检验学生对标题的预测是否正确。在教学中,教师提醒学生注意USED TO这个词语。

  2. Fast reading

  ⑴What is the passage mainly about?

  ⑵Compare what the students predicted with the content given by the author

  ⑶stick out the key sentences and give the main idea of each paragraph in group and then report to class.

  Para.1 After father's death, Martin's life became difficult.

  Para.2 The troubles Martin used to cause.

  Para.3 A conversation with his mother on the phone changed his life.

  Para.4 What is Martin now like.



  2. Detailed reading

  ⑴ Finish Section3, 3a Put the missing sentences back in the correct place in the reading.



  ⑵Finish Section3. 3b

  Read the statements below. Circle “True”. False”. Or “Don't know”

  According to the reading.



  ⑶let the students design questions according to the text and then ask answer in pairs



  4.Explain some difficult phrases and sentences in the text and help solve the problems students raise

  5. Retell the text in group one by one according to the key words below then choose one to report to class

  Retell the text

  1…problem child…a recent conversation… not used to…after his father’s death…difficult…not afford…to do this…

  2.look after…cause problems…not interested in… get into troubles…

  …patient…make a decision…hate… leave…waste…

  3…necessary…call…change…need…help…understand…no longer…

  watch…take pride in…decide to …realize… be afraid of…pay more attention to…

  4…has changed…work hard…a top student… how…mother’s love…important…



  6. Discuss in class: Why did the author write the Passage?

  S1: The author wants to tell us: Mother's love is great.

  S2:He wants to tell us: Communication between children and parents can help them understand each other better.



  Step 2 Post reading

  3. Disscuss in group: What are nice ways for you to express your feelings and love to your parents ?

  ⑴ T: Don't you think parents' love is magical? It makes Martin, a troublesome boy change into a top student. We can't imagine what would happen to Martin without his mother's love and help.We can say parents are the most unselfish persons. They are someone who listens suggests and defends. They are the givers, but not expect your repay. They are the persons deserving your most respect and love. We should do something for them, too. we can't only receive but not give.. In China, there is an old saying “树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”。We can't wait until it's too late. We should do something to make them happy and let them know we love them. Do you think what are nice ways for us to express our feelings to our parents? Please share your ideas in group and then report to class.

  ⑵ Choose a representative of a group to report and ask other groups to supplement. The student may give such answers.

  a. to share homework with parents

  b. to send parents small gifts on parent's day or their birthday

  c. to write a letter or a card to express how much we love them

  d. to try to study hard

  e. to do a part-time job to reduce parents' burden.

  f. ...

  ⑶ ask students to do some activities to show their love to parents after school.



  4. Homework: writting

  Write a passage of stories happened between you and your parents. The passage may include

  a. what is your comment or feeling on your fathermother

  b. give some examples of your father/mother helped you solve problems you met.

  c. What you have done or want to do to show your love to your fathermother.











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