初中英语Where did you go on vacation的教案(3)


  2. The students practice reading the conversation below inactivity1c.

  3. Make their own conversations with the activities in activity 1a. Ask

  “Where did Brad/Sally/Tom go on vacation? ”Then work it in class.

  Step 7. 2a Listening practice

  1. Get students to read the names and the activities in the box. Tell students: they will hear three conversations about three people’s vacations. Match the people with the activities.

  2. Play the recording the first time, students only listen.

  3. Replay the recording and try to match.

  4. Check up the answers.

  Step 8. 2b Listening practice

  1. Students look at the chart and read the names and the activities.

  Say, listen to the conversations and check “Yes, I did.” Or “No, I didn’t.”

  2. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

  3. Play the recording again. Students try to fill the blanks.

  4. Check up the answers.

  5. Get the students to repeat after the recording.

  Step 9. 2cGroup work

  1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Students read the

  example in the speech bubbles.

  2. Work in groups to role play the conversation. You can talk about the

  activities from the chart in 2b or other activities. The teacher move around and give help if students need.

  3.Ask one or two groups to work in class.

  Step 10.Grammar focus

  The students read the sentences. And find if there are some questions. If

  have, explain them.

  Step 11. Summary

  1. The new vocabulary words.

  2. The new target language.

  Step 12.Homework

  1. Revise the vocabulary words.

  2. Make a conversation about your last vacation.

  Period 2

  Teaching aims:

  1. Learn the useful expressions.
