初中英语Where did you go on vacation的教案(7)


  decide to do

  Step 3. 3a Reading practice

  1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students. Circle the good things and underline the bad things.

  2. Ask the students to read Bob’s travel diary. Try to circle and underline the things individually.

  3. The teacher reads the diary to students and checks up the answers.

  4. Students read the diary again and find their questions. Explain to them if they have. Some important sentences:

  We had great fun playing in the water. It was kind of boring.

  I found a small boy crying in the corner. That made me feel happy.

  We decided to play tennis.

  Step 4. 3bWriting practice

  1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Imagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing. Write a travel diary like the one in 3a.

  2. Look at four pictures and read the beginning of the diary. Get students to write their own diaries. Get some help from activity 3a. Teacher moves around and gives some help if they need.

  3. Get a few students to read their diaries to the class.

  Step 5.Group work Part 4

  1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Talk about an

  imaginary vacation. Imagine you are a foreigner who came to China on

  vacation. Think about where you visited.

  2. Ask students to work in groups of four. One student in each group begins by telling where he or she went. The other students ask questions.

  3. Change roles, so each student has a chance to tell the others about his and her vacation.

  4. Have some groups of students present their conversations in class.

  Step 6. Review the words Self-check 1&2

  1. Students read the words in the box and check all the words they know. They can circle the words they don’t know. Then ask them.

  2. Make their Chinese meanings clear. Then ask and answer the Chinese meanings in pairs or in groups.  3. Ask each student to write five new words on their notebooks. Then share them with the others in groups.

  Step 7.Self-check 3 Make a survey and complete the form

  1. Students look at the form and the instructions.

  Think about how to ask the questions.

  2. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the information about their last


  3. Have students get into groups of four.

  Tell them to ask questions about their last vacation.

  4. After finish asking the questions, ask students to discuss the best place for vacation.

  5. Ask some students to tell the class which place is the best place for vacation.

  Step 8.Summary

  Summarize the new words and the useful expressions.

  Step 9.Homework

  1. Remember the words and expressions.

  2.Write a report on students’ vacations.
