




  ( )1.We’ll have a _______hlida. What abut ging t the Great Wall?

  A. three das B. three-da C. three-das D. three-das’

  ( )2. I a srr. I_______ the dictinar in  he.

  A. frget B. frgt C. left D. leave

  ( )3. She left in_______ a hurr _______she frgt t lc the dr.

  A. s, and B. such, that C. t, t D. such, and

  ( )4.—Must we finish the exercise tda? --N, u________.

  A. ustn’t B. dn’t have C. dn’t have t D. needn’t t

  ( )5. The ne u dnated is used t _______peple in need.

  A. help B. helped C. helping D. helps

  ( )6.—It’s a lng str, but u can hardl find new wrds in it.

  --Gd! _______ it will be t hard fr children.

  A. S B. And C. But D. Or

  ( )7. —A latest English newspaper, please!

  --Onl ne cp left. Wuld u lie t have_______, sir?

  A. it B. ne C. this D. that

  ( )8. D u have________ t sa abut ur stud?

  A special anthing B. special sething

  C. anthing special D. sething special


  1.Peple, n atter __________ r pr, have their wn place in the wrld.

  2.The dctr said that he had never seen such a ind f ____________ (病例).

  3.Oral English test ass us t learn re ______________ (技能) in English, nt ust wrds r graar.

  4.I have finished  wr______________ (ainl).

  5an u ______________ (have enugh ne t bu r t d sething)e t see a fil?

  6.Nw a lt f ______________ (peple wh are ill) can’t g t hspital because the dn’t have enugh ne.

  7.The teacher’s wrds ____________ (cause a change in sebd r sething) us a lt, we have ade up ur inds t stud hard.

  8.The dctrs ften ______________ (cut a persn’s bd pen t tae r repair) n the sic peple.

  9. Mdern edicine can help _____________ this ind f disease.

  10. We are s ______________ that China is the hst cuntr f the 29th Olpic Gaes.
