《There is one birthday in may》的教案设计(2)



  (1)单词:January和 February单词比较长,记忆比较难;而AprilJune则是发音难点。

  (2)There is和 There are 学生对单数复数概念模糊,容易搞错。



  1、Play a Game: Count count count数数看

  T claps hands and asks Ss “How many are there?”

  Ss listen ,count and try to say the number or the sentence “There is/ are…”

  【设计意图:用老师拍手,学生数数的活动作为热身,既能复习数字,又能在听力方面不断倾听句型There be,为学生在听后运用句型There is / There are做铺垫。】

  2、Lead in the evaluation

  (1)Put up the cards of the months(出示1—6个月的月份卡,排成桥型),let Ss count the cards and learn to say “There is/ are…”;(板书主要句型于黑板四线格上,并用不同色粉笔突出is和are)

  Ss count and learn to say and make out “There is ”and “There are”

  (2)Talk about the evaluation——分组PK

  【设计意图:巧妙呈现本节课的课堂评价方式:把月份卡(六个月份名的缩写制作成椭圆形卡片)排成桥形贴在黑板上,把全班分成两个小组,要求各小组通过课堂上的表现力争尽快从此岸到达彼岸。同时,通过月份卡的呈现,引导学生数数,并学习运用句型There be准确描述。】

  二、Lead in

  1、Lead in

  T:We’re counting just now. Lingling is counting, too. She is counting her friends’ birthdays.

  Present the picture of Lingling’s counting by CAI


  2、Listen, read and find the answer

  Ask Ss a question about Lingling’s counting ——“How many birthdays are there in a year?”,and let Ss open their books, then plays the tape

  Ss read the book, listen to the whole lesson and try to find the answer


  3、Present the Topic

  Show Picture Two to Ss and present the task of this module

  Read the title together: ——Module 10 The Months

  Unit 1 There is one birthday in May.
