《There is one birthday in may》的教案设计(3)


  三、Presentation and Practice

  1、Listen and fill in the blanks

  Ask Ss the questions about Picture Two——“How many birthdays are there in January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June?”

  Ss listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks


  一月January. There are .

  二月February. There are .

  三月March. There is .

  四月April. There are .

  五月May. There is .

  六月June. There are .


  2、Learn the months

  Present the months of this exercise paper(《随堂练兵卡》)by CAI and ask Ss “ 哪个月份生日个数最少?”

  Ss read the paper(《随堂练兵卡》) and find out ——March / May, then learn together

  (1)Present the word, the phonetic symbol and the calendar from CAI, then Listen its pronunciation

  (2)Read the word by syllables and then read after T


  Game: 四面开花(请一个学生起来读单词,接着此学生前后左右的学生紧跟着读。看一看哪个学生反应慢,必须再次接受处罚:独自读单词三遍。)

  (3)The same way to learn the names of the other months通过提问“哪个月份生日个数最多?”“哪两个月份名称类似”等等逐一呈现剩下的月份名并学习

  (4)Practice the words ——快速反应


  【设计意图:由针对玲玲朋友生日个数的情况提问继而学习月份名,由浅入深,逐一突破重难点。在学习新单词的过程中引导学生运用以旧带新(march—— March)、比较法(February_——January)、元音音节法来突破发音难点,模仿发音,同时结合各个月份的节日、月份的儿歌来练习记忆单词。最后让学生谈论自己喜欢的月份,进行巩固拓展。



  Play a Game:Guess Which month看由来猜月份

  Present the origins of the months by CAI

  Ss read the origins and guess the month





  4、Read the dialogue of Picture Two

  Read Picture Two of the lesson after the CD—Rom

  Read by themselves  四、Extensive Reading

  1、Present the form,ask and answer

  Present the form of the birthdays from January to June in class, ask Ss to describe it


  2、Practice in pairs

  Ss read the form and describe with partners



  Sum up the lesson and expend to the emotion education——Don’t forget to express our love to parents on our birthdays. And then finish the blackboard writing.



  继续完成调查表的内容,用There is/ There are 句型描述班上1-6月份生日的人数,并尝试仿写句子。如January. There are eight.

  请你运用There are句型描述1——6月份的天数,并尝试把句子写下来。
