

  3。 从卖袜子到卖高级时装

  Did you know that before she became a fashion legend, Coco Chanel used to work as a clerk in a small hosiery shop? Legends do start small! From humble beginnings tograndeur!


  4。 Sun tan was started by her

  4。 她开创了“美黑”

  If you thought tanning became fashionable by accident, think again! It was Coco Chanel who made it seem fashionable when she got burnt by sun rays way back in 1923 on a cruise towards Cannes!

  如果你认为“美黑”是偶然形成的时尚,请你再好好想想! 1923年,可可·香奈儿从戛纳巡游回来时皮肤被阳光晒伤,是她让“美黑”看起来非常时髦!

  5。 Hotel Ritz was her home

  5。 里茨酒店是她的家

  For more than 30 years Coco Chanel made the mighty hotel Ritz in Paris her home! It was rumored that German officer Dincklage (with whom she was having an affair)made arrangements for her to stay in the hotel!

  可可·香奈儿在巴黎著名的里茨酒店居住了30 多年!据传是德国军官丁克拉格( 与可可·香奈儿有暧昧关系)安排她住在这个酒店!

  6。 5 was her favorite number

  6。 5 是她最喜欢的数字

  Maybe there was something special in the number 5 – enough to have Coco Chanel superstitious and in awe of it。 Chanel No。 5 was introduced on 5th May 1921! No coincidence this!

  也许数字5 有些特别之处而足以让可可·香奈儿迷信并敬畏它。“香奈儿5 号”香水于1921 年5 月5日推出!绝非巧合!

  7。 She never got married

  7。 她从未结婚

  Coco Chanel might have dated and had affair swith plenty of men but she never got married。 Maybe she thought it would take away from her dedication to the fashion world。  可可·香奈儿可能与许多男人约会过并与他们有过风流韵事,但她却从未结过婚。也许,她认为婚姻会阻碍她对时尚界的贡献。
