

  D. Some of his works are based on the materials of the European legendary tales.

  25. Which of the following is NOT one of the main ideas advocated by Emerson, the chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism?

  A. As an individual, man is divine and can develop and improve himself infinitely.

  B. Nature exercises a healthy and restorative influence on human beings.

  C. There exists an emotional communication between an individual soul and the universal “Oversoul.”

  D. Evil and sin are ever present in human heart and will pass on from one generation to another.”

  26. Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT ______ .

  A. the strict poetic form B. the free and natural rhythm

  C. the easy flow of feelings D. the simple and conversational language

  27. “Then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.” In the quoted sentence, the author might imply that ______.

  A. nothing changes in the 5000 years of human history B. man’s desire to conquer nature can only end in his own destruction C. nature is evil as it was 5000 years ago D. nature has the ultimate creative power

  28. “Standing on the bare ground,—my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space ,—all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball. I am nothing. I see all. The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.” The above passage is taken from ______.

  A. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin B. Cooper’s “Leatherstocking Tales”

  C. Emerson’s “Nature” D. Dreiser’s Sister Carrie

  29. Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of original sin?

  A. Stowe’s Uncle Ton’s Cabin B. James’s The Portrait of a Lady.

  C. Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms D. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.

  30. Beside symbolism, all the following qualities EXCEPT ______are fused to make Melville’s Moby-Dick a world classic.

  A. narrative power B. psychological analysis C. speculative agility D. optimistic view of life

  31. In all his novels Theodore Dreiser sets himself to project the ______ American values. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically.

  A. Puritan B. materialistic C. psychological D. religious

  32. In Daisy Miller, Henry James reveals Daisy’s ______ by showing her relatively unreserved manners.

  A. hypocrisy B. cold and indifference C. grace and patience D. Americanness

  33. The raft with which Huck and Jim make their voyage down the Mississippi River may symbolize all the following EXCEPT ______.

  A. a return to nature

  B. an escape from evils, injustices, and corruption of the civilized society

  C. the American society in the early 19th century

  D. a small world where people of different colors can live friendly and happily

  34. Emily Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner’s story “A Rose for Emily,” can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualities EXCEPT______.

  A. old values B. rigid ideas of social status C. bigotry and eccentricity D. harmony and integrity

  35. As a Modernist poet ,Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______ .

  A. cubist school of modern painting B. Imagist Movement

  C. stream-of-consciousness technique D. German Expressionism

  36. The statement that a boy’s night journey to an Indian village to witness the violence of both birth and death provides all the possibilities of a learning experience may well sum up the major theme of ______ .

  A. Faulkner’s story “A Rose for Emily” B. Hemingway’s story “Indian Camp”

  C. Irving’s story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” D. James’s story “Daisy Miller”

  37. Which of the following plays by O’Neill can be read autobiographically?

  A. The Hairy Ape B. The Emperor Jones C. The Iceman Cometh D. Long Day’s Journey Into Night

  38. When we say that a poor young man from the West tried to make his fortune in the East but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing.

  A. Henry James B. Scott Fitzgerald C. Ernest Hemingway D. William Faulkner

  39.After his experiences in the forest, Young Goodman Brown returns to Salem ______.

  A. desperate and gloomy B. renewed in his faith C. wearing a black veil D. unaware of his own sin

  40. According to Mark Twain, in river towns up and down the Mississippi, it was every boy’s dream to some day grow up to be ______.

  A. Methodist preacher B. a justice of the peace C. a riverboat pilot D. a pirate on the Indian ocean


  Ⅱ.Reading comprehension(16 points,4 for each)

  Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

  41. “One short sleep past, we wake eternally,

  And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.”


  A. Identify the poem and the poet. B.What does the word “sleep” mean? C. What idea do the two lines express?

  42. “Never did sun more beautifully steep

  In his first splendor, valley, rock, or hill;

  Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!

  The river glideth at his own sweet will:

  Dear God! The very houses seem asleep;

  And all that mighty heart is lying still!”

  (William Wordsworth’s sonnet: “Composed upon Westminster Bridge” September 3, 1802)


  A. What does the word “glideth” in the fourth line mean?

  B. What kind of figure of speech is used by wordsworth to describe the “river”?

  C. What idea does the fourth line express?

  43. “With Blue—uncertain stumbling Buzz—

  Between the light—and me—

  And then the Windows failed—and then

  I could not see to see—” Questions:

  A. Identify the poem and the poet. B. What do “Windows” symbolically stand for?

  C. What idea does the quoted passage express?

  44. “‘Is dying hard, Daddy?’

  ‘No, I think it’s pretty easy, Nick, It all depends.”’

  Questions: A. Identify the work and the author.

  B. What was Nick preoccupied with when he asked the question?

  C. Why did the father add “It all depends” after he answered his son’s question?
